BONUS – RUSTENBURG - More than a hundred teams will take part in the 2023 Spar National Netball Championships which start at Hoërskool Rustenburg today (Monday).
This is the biggest netball tournament ever in South Africa and Netball South Africa (NSA) President Cecilia Molokwane says this is proof that netball is growing every year. Fifty-two under-21 teams and fifty-nine senior teams will be fighting it out for top honours. Johannesburg are the defending champions, and coach Elsje Jordaan said she was very excited about the prospect of defending the title. “A few of our Spar Proteas players, including our captain Bongi Msomi, are missing the championships because they are on international duty.
Art competition - time to get on board
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Only three more months before amateur artists who have entered Rustenburg Herald’s Blank Space Art competition will know who the winners are of two extremely valuable prizes in the competition.
Bashiga Clan Heritage celebrations
The Bashiga Clan in the entire Bafokeng region celebrated Heritage Day the past weekend.
During his speech, the chairperson of the clan emphasized the point that the Bashiga Clan, under the Kingship of Kgosi Leruo Tshekedi Molotlegi, should guard against people who become divisive to the their society.
Nuwe AfriForum-plaaswag op Kroondal pak die misdaadbul by die horings
RUSTENBURG HERALD - KROONDAL - Die nuwe AfriForum-plaaswag op Kroondal is gereed om die spreekwoordelike bul by die horings te pak en veiligheid op plase en plotte in dié gemeenskap op te skerp.
Die stigting van dié plaaswag spruit uit die gemeenskap se behoefte om self in te spring en misdaad hier hok te slaan. AfriForum is daarom genader om hiermee te help. Joseph Renaud, AfriForum se veiligheidstreekhoof vir die Sentraalstreek, het die stigting behartig.
Van Durbanville tot in Kroondal
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - René Schoombee is ‘n persoon wat op almal ‘n indruk maak. Sy het as kinderbibliotekaresse in Rustenburg baie kinders se “boek-ervaring” opgevrolik. Kinders het graag daar gaan kuier, want “tannie René is so gaaf en so vriendelik”.