BONUS - RUSTENBURG - What happens when the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach escapes upwards into a person’s oesophagus?
A bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, sore throat, hoarse voice or unexplained chronic cough can be tell-tale signs of the acidic burn of reflux or the longer-term condition gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD).
“The troublesome symptoms people with GORD experience can have significant social, workplace, and economic impacts, especially when the condition is persistent and chronic.
It’s also one of the most common conditions primary healthcare physicians and gastroenterologists are consulted for,” says Dr Barbara Makumbi, a gastroenterologist practising at Netcare Sunward Park Hospital.
Typical symptoms: Heartburn is a burning sensation usually felt in the centre of the chest that often occurs after meals and worsens when lying down; Regurgitation – When the digestive fluid comes up the oesophagus, this can result in a bitter taste in the mouth; Belching (burping); Nausea or vomiting; Experiencing a sensation of fullness sooner when eating.
Dr Makumbi says that in more severe cases, complications involving damage to the oesophagus and nearby anatomy can result in atypical symptoms, including the following: Inflammation of the lining of the oesophagus leading to difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing and bleeding; Laryngitis or pharyngitis: Throat inflammation resulting in a sore throat or hoarse voice; Small amounts of the acidic gastric fluid can enter the airways of the lung, resulting in chronic cough, new or worsening asthma and scarring of the lung tissue called fibrosis; Dental complications can occur when the teeth are exposed to regurgitated stomach acid, including erosion of tooth enamel, tooth decay and bad breath.
GORD risk factors may include: Structural changes to the sphincter muscle, such as a hiatus hernia, where the stomach bulges into the chest above the diaphragm; Abdominal fat, weight gain, or being overweight or obese; Pregnancy; Diet and habits that can weaken the oesophageal sphincter, including fatty foods, caffeine, smoking, alcohol, and carbonated drinks; Certain medications’ side effects; Having large meals or eating too close to bedtime.
Tips for coping with GORD: Elevate your head and upper body with a few extra pillows when you sleep, this allows gravity to assist in reducing reflux; Shedding excess kilos can help reduce upward abdominal and gastric pressure that contributes to reflux; Try sleeping on your left side; Eat dinner three hours before bedtime; Avoid lying down after meals; Avoid alcohol and smoking; Reduce the size of meals; Consult a dietician and avoid fat, citrus, spicy food, tomato-based products, chocolate, peppermint, and caffeinated or fizzy drinks; Keep a food diary to help identify your individual triggers.