MAHIKENG MAIL - MAHIKENG: MEC for Social Development, Basetsana Sussana Dantjie, kept true to her word on Tuesday, 5 November by donating a laptop to the North West Older Person’s Forum, as promised in a first meeting with them.
Then, the forum had indicated to the MEC that their work was hamstrung by lack of resources, chief among them a laptop, which is central to record keeping and communication.
Receiving the laptop on behalf of the forum was the provincial and national chairperson of older person’s forum Kgosietsile Sehularo, who expressed appreciation for the gesture. “This gift is testament of a caring and reliable department. We are very thankful for what the department has done for us. We will be able to execute our duties in a professional manner and improve quality,” adding with a chuckle that if there are more laptops, they will gladly accept them.
The laptop was delivered to the forum by the Acting Head of the department on behalf of Dantjie.