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MAHIKENG MAIL  - MAHIKENG - Mahikeng residents, who have recently occupied an empty Agricultural land in Moshawane Village, known as Sunny Side Portion, were evicted on Wednesday.

Police and men in Blue were seen on Wednesday morning removing the shack structures and fences of the land grabbers. 
It was also reported that the matter was before the High Court following land sales, according to the Mahikeng Local Municipality, previously saying, “The court order was long issued, which was shared with the people who had been selling and allocating stands on the farm. This includes Frans Mosweu and the tribal authority led by Kgosi Matlho Molema,” said John Nkoane, Municipal Spokesperson.
As tension rose residents continued with the land grab on Sunny Side Portion, refusing to leave the site. 
Residents were at loggerheads with the Blue Ants and police said they were very disappointed with government when they needed land.  
“We are not happy the way we are treated by this government. We bought this land with hopes that we would have our own homes. Last time they came and forced us off the land and today they have come again to disrupt our peace by bringing people to destroy our homes. The municipality or the tribal office has never bothered themselves to come to our aid, but what they are now doing is bulldozing residents,” one resident said.
At time of going to press, questions as to why the department was evicting the residents that had  been sent to the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development had not been responded to.

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