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MAHIKENG MAIL - MOROKWENG - North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, led by Acting MEC Wessels Morweng, handed over a fully equipped borehole, complete with a windmill and drinking troughs, to the community of Maheng Village, Morokweng last week Friday.


This initiative directly addresses the water scarcity challenges faced by farming communities in drought-prone areas, ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for livestock farming. The project will enhance local economic resilience, reduce long-distance water collection needs, and alleviate the strain on both farmers and their livestock. 
Morokweng, like many rural areas in the North West Province, has been hard-hit by recurring droughts and inconsistent rainfall. For livestock farmers, access to water is essential for maintaining herd health and productivity. The handover of this fully equipped borehole ensures long-term water security, enabling farmers to maintain operations even during dry seasons. 
Speaking at the handover, Acting MEC Wessels Morweng emphasizsed the significance of water access for rural economies: “Agriculture is the backbone of rural communities. Improved water access will empower livestock farmers to grow their herds, improve animal health, and boost local agricultural output. Furthermore, water availability promotes sustainable grazing practices that preserve the land for future generations.” 
Beneficiary and local farmer, Mr. Tlhobolwa, expressed his appreciation for the initiative, noting, “This will increase our livestock production and help us through drought seasons.” Other nearby villages, including Setabeng, Tseng, and Matlhabatlhabe, will also benefit from similar projects to improve water access. 
Three more villages—Tseng, Matlhabetlhabe, and Setabeng—within the same municipality have also benefited from the program, receiving equipped boreholes and windmills. This initiative ensures a reliable and sustainable water supply for livestock farming, further supporting the agricultural needs of these rural communities. 

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