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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Another great achievement by well-known local martial artist and Instructor Kancho Albert Venter has been achieved, with his recognition as 2nd Dan Ju-Jitsu.
 He currently holds official recognition in six Martial Arts systems, with a Doctorate in the Philosophy of Martial Arts awarded by the International Fellowship of Martial Arts India.

As the founder of TSKKIA, he holds the highest Dan ranking and is the Director and Master Instructor of the TSKKIA All Styles Federation International and Tokon Shotokan Karate Ken & Iai Jitsu Academy International. He has published numerous articles and is the writer of the book “Understanding Kata”, in which he explains the concepts and unlimited knowledge hidden in every Kata. He has hosted the TSKKIA All Styles competition successfully for many years and has been actively practicing Martial Arts for 40 years.
He is recognised by WUKF, KFCI, FSKA, ASKA (Australia), IFOMA (India), KJI, KJE, (Ierland), NZMA (New Zealand) with aliases with nine other martial art federations within Africa and internationally. As a fighter he has represented South Africa all over the world and has had the privilege of compteting with the world’s best. As a teacher he has dedicated his life to uplifting all his students and giving classes to the poor. His ability to adapt martial arts also allows for disabled students to train and learn. His well-known statement that martial arts should form and bend around you and not you around it, is visible in all his classes. Everyone can be active; everyone can learn. He teaches Gendaiteki Kyujitsu (Japanese Archery), Gendaiteki Ken & Iai Jitsu (Japanese Sword Art), Grappling, Self–Defense and Tokon Shotokan Karate.
For more information contact the TSKKIA H/Q at 0824631073 or visit the website at or see the videos on YouTube by typing “TSKKIA”.