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MAHIKENG MAIL-Zeerust: The family of Mohumi in Khunotswana Village, Zeerust were victims of what could have possibly been food poisoning after buying a packet of chicken soup from a local spaza shop in the village.

The entire family including the children were admitted at the local hospital for treatment after they were found in the early morning of Sunday being very weak and helpless after suffering from running stomachs and vomiting from the chicken they ate.Speaking to Jefry Mohumi who was a family said they almost lost the entire including children from the unsafe foods they buy from local Spaza if it wasn’t for the family who had visited on Sunday morning only the find the family in a critical state. 
“We are very sad and unhappy about what happened to our family. We can confirm that the family have recovered even though we are waiting for results on what could have caused this food poisoning. Surprisingly those who did not eat was not affected while others were suffered running severe running stomach and vomiting caused by the chicken they ate. We take this a serious matter because we lost our loved ones. 
We demand that the municipality together with the hospital to provide us with answers on what happened. As for these spaza shops, they must be permanently closed and checked for health inspections as our lives are in danger. More lives will be lost if let this continue. This is a warning to many of the people who buy from this shops,” said Mohumi. The local municipality and health officials visited the family for inspections while the investigation was conducted to establish what caused the food poisoning. 
The public and residents have being warned by the department Economic Development and Economy, Conservation and Tourism to verify particular expiring dates of what they bought and consumed from Spaza. 
Meanwhile the public have strongly accused the Department and the local municipalities from allowing rapid grow of Spaza in rural areas and not doing their job of conducting inspections in these shops as some of them were found to be housing the shop owner, infested with filthy and dirt while other sold expired good and contrabands.  

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