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MAHIKENG MAIL – MAHIKENG: The South African National Civic Organization (SANCO) concluded its 4th elective conference in the North West Province, officially ushering in a new era of leadership with Tshepo Khoza emerged as the new Chairperson, while Mogomotsi Mosheshe secured the position of Secretary in the province. 

The SANCO North West 2023 Provincial Conference,  reportedly marked by the highest form of discipline and inaugurated by the National Convener, Richard Mkhungo, National Coordinator Mike Soko, and other national office-bearers, took place on 17th November 2023, at the Recreation Centre in Klerksdorp.  The conference, conducted through district voting as per the SANCO constitution, saw majority of leaders who previously served on the Provincial Interim Coordinating Committee elected to the new SANCO North West Provincial Executive Committee (PEC).  The top six officials included Joseph Moyo as Deputy Chairperson, Lulu Chao as Deputy Secretary, Martin Pico Antonio as Treasurer, and Kiineemang Kanjee as Organizer. Other members elected to the provincial executive committee included Victor Lekaota, Mametso Matloko, Moloki Kitso, Saletse Maoka, Lucas Masane, Thabo Mkhombo, Ronnie Masilo, Sheron Malatjie, David Seitshiro, Lacky Rakgwale, Maria Tsolo Molauzi, Olebogeng Tong, Themba Katjie, Oupa Phakedi, Palesa Zizi, Boitumelo Molale, Lobisa Mojaki, Mzukisi Jam, Bisto Sekonyela, and Doctor Molawa.  Provincial Interim Coordinating Committee (PICC), Mogomotsi Mosheshe expressed appreciation for the collective efforts of branches and the Regional Executive Committees (RECs), which led to the successful organization of the elective conference. He also thanked the National Interim Coordinating Committee (NICC) for entrusting them with the crucial task of integrating SANCO in the province, and reported to be delighted that they have fulfilled that responsibility.  “Emerging out of this conference, our focus should shift to active participation in the SANCO national elective conference, and subsequently, gearing our efforts towards the alliance’s election campaigns to secure an ANC victory in defence of the national democratic revolution,” said Mosheshe. Addressing the conference, SANCO National Coordinator, Mike Soko urged delegates to acknowledge that conference outcomes may not satisfy everyone’s interests.  He emphasized the importance of unity, asserting that the organization’s interests should surpass individual interest at all time. Soko commended the collective effort in achieving unity and urged members to continue their mission of rebuilding, renewing, and uniting SANCO and its members. The conference received support from all alliance structures, with the North West ANC represented by Sello Lehari, Provincial Treasurer.  Lehari commended SANCO for its dedication to integrating the civic movement, leading to the successful hosting of the elective conference. He also told delegates that the ANC leadership in the province, as the leader of the alliance, had recently convened to discuss concerns regarding the emergence of parallel structures.  Chairperson Tshepo Khoza urged delegates to actively engage with communities and participate in all ANC alliance election activities, commencing with voter registration on 18th November 2023.  “The next phase of our programme should focus more on forging collaboration with all social groups to drive community development”. Khoza also emphasized SANCO’s commitment to democratic principle of holding the government accountable, and combating corruption.  He indicated that the regional structures are already addressing pressing issues such as slow municipal response to sewer spillage in Mahikeng and the controversial “38 million shack call centre” in Vryburg. The chairperson told delegates that it cannot be business as usual for SANCO when public funds are spent recklessly and living conditions for citizens are not inhabitable. “If regional structures face challenges in resolving these issues, the provincial leadership will intervene”, said Khoza.

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