BRITS POS – MOOINOOI - Laerskool Elandskraal in Mooinooi se kultuursterre het behoorlik geskitter tydens die Elies Kultuuraand van 1 November.
Die gehoor is vermaak met die beste sang, dans, voordrag, gimnastiek en drama-items van die jaar. Top kunswerke is uitgestal en die toneelstuk, ‘Spieëltjie-spieëltjie’ geskryf deur Jo-Athne Stemmet, is opgevoer.
Two prestigious awards for Talita
The drama teacher at Mountain Cambridge School, Talita Landsberg, was awarded two prestigious awards from the South African Championships of Performing Arts (SACOPA) as Best Director of the North West and Best Teacher of the Year.
Rejoice excels at National Tourism Career Expo
BRITS POS – BRITS - Rejoice Phiri, a grade 11 student at the Academy for Christian Education in Brits took part in the National Tourism Career Expo. She won the Provincial Round and then went on and showcased her talents and emerged as the winner of the competition at the Nationals.
Laerskool Brits se hoofleiers vir 2024
Die nuutverkose hoofleiers vir 2024 van Laerskool Brits is Woensdag aangekondig. Agter: Divan Werner (hoofseun) en Lida-né Barnard (hoofdogter). Voor: Sias Fourie (onderhoofseun), Rihanica Schutte (onderhoofdogter) en Lianke Nagel (onderhoofdogter).
Inlas: Johan Möller (onderhoofseun).
Goud vir Ruan
Ruan Meyer, ‘n graad 2-leerling van Laerskool De Kroon se kunswerk is by die Brits-kuns-wedstryd uitgestal en hy is met goud beloon vir sy harde werk.