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BRITS POS - SWARTRUGGENS - “Christ Crisis Centre, House of Hope for Women” in Swartruggens het hul horison verbreed en fokus meer op mishandelde vroue en hul kinders.
Die groep Shib-studente van Nederland het onlangs aan fase 3 van die sentrum kom help bou en almal is baie opgewonde oor die vordering van die sentrum.

Read more …Huis van Hoop vorder fluks

BRITS POS – NORTH WEST - Operation Shanela that forms part of the Safer Festive Season Operations, was conducted between Monday, 2 December to Sunday, 8 December. 
1 299 suspects in the North West of which 617 were arrested by Detectives during suspect raiding operations. 
5 399 actions were carried out that included the inspection of 56 licensed liquor premises, 77 second-hand dealers, compliance inspections of Firearms Institutions (non-official and official institutions), 745 inspections at hospitality and retail shops, 84 informal businesses to ensure labour law compliance as well as farms and mines. 

Read more …OPERATION SHANELA More than 5 399 actions executed

POTCHEFSTROOM: 9 December 2024 - Swartruggens police launched a manhunt after the escape of three awaiting trial detainees, who escaped from Swartruggens police holding cells on Sunday, 8 December 2024. 
“It is alleged that four detainees escaped after forcing their exit through the roof of their detention cell,” says Colonel Adéle Myburgh, SAPS North West spokesperson. “The police managed to trace and arrest one of the escapees, aged 23, whilst hiking next to the N4 road, near Swartruggens Plaza.”

Read more …Police launch a manhunt for three escapees

BRITS POS – BRITS – Volgehoue druk van lede van die VF Plus, onder die dinamiese leiding van Elsa Lourens, het verlede Vrydag, 29 November daartoe gelei dat die kragtoevoer in Sonop, na weke se duisternis, herstel is.
Elsa Lourens het aan Brits Pos bevestig dat die VF Plus reeds op 7 November ‘n afvaardiging van die Sonop-gemeenskap, in onderhandelings met Noordwes se departement van openbare werke en paaie gelei het.

Read more …SONOP KRAGKRISIS - En toe skyn die ligte helder!

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