BRITS POS – BRITS – Daar is klagtes van inwoners in Brits ontvang omtrent rou riool wat nou al weke lank by die rioolmangate in McIntyre- Aletta- en Damarastrate uitstroom en alhoewel inwoners dit al talle kere by die Plaaslike Munisipaliteit van Madibeng aangemeld het, is die probleem nog nie opgelos nie.
Daar is drie pompstasies in die gebied wat buite-werking is: een in Alettastraat en twee in Damarastraat.
BRITS SAPS AND CPF #Stop farm attacks awareness campaign
BRITS POS – KLEINFONTEIN - In a bid to ensure that the rural communities are and feel safe, members of Brits Rural Safety, Social Crime Prevention and Communication led by Capt Prinsloo, in partnership with the Community Police Forum held a #Stop Farm Attacks awareness campaign at Joshua Van der Walt’s farm in Kleinfontein on Wednesday, 26 February.
The primary objective was to collectively sensitise farm workers and farmers about criminal activities that are taking place in farming areas such as farm attacks and GBV related assaults.
Working together brings relief to stranded communities
BRITS POS – KLIPVOORSTAD - Cross-organisational collaboration was undertaken to ensure that stranded community members of Klipvoorstad and Assen, affected by recent floods were provided with food parcels on Saturday, 22 February.
“South African Police Service (SAPS) members, the Department of Social Development and the Provincial / District Disaster Management Centre, along with air assistance of SSG Security embarked on a food and parcel drive to the communities of Assen and Klipvoorstad, following the heavy rainfalls that left the people trapped in their areas, with no entry or exit points due to flooding,” advised Constable Ben Moabe, SAPS spokesperson.
VALA UMGODI OPERATIONS - Counterfeit goods worth millions confiscated
BRITS POS – BRITS - The ongoing Vala Umgodi operations in the Province led to the arrest of 22 suspects last week for contravention of Section 49 (1) (a) of the Immigration Act, 2002.
“In Tlhabane, an employer was also slapped with a R1 500 fine for employing an undocumented foreign national,” says Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone “Of the 22 suspects, nine were nabbed in Tlhabane, five in Mabeskraal, five in Mooinooi and four in Mogwase.
Baie, baie dankie!
BRITS POS – BRITS – ‘n Motoris, Pierre le Roux (41) was verlede Woensdagoggend op die R511 naby Beestekraal op pad werk toe en dit was nog donker, toe sy motor deur vloedwater meegesleur is.
Le Roux het gelukkig uit een van die agterdeurvensters van die motor kon ontsnap voordat dit onder die water verdwyn het. Die stroom het hom meegesleur, maar die krag van die water was net te groot en hy kon aan ‘n bos vasklou, maar die dun takkies het gebreek en hy is verder stroomaf waar hy teen ‘n jongboom met ‘n v-mik vasgespoel het waaraan hy kon vasklou.