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BRITS POS – BRITS - Eskom has issued a stern warning to homeowners with rooftop solar systems, stating that all installations must be registered with the utility or risk being deemed illegal—a process that could be costly.
This regulation applies even to those systems that do not feed electricity into the grid. The move is part of Eskom’s broader effort to ensure compliance with national electricity regulations and maintain grid stability. Eskom spokesperson Daphne Mokwena said that while Eskom supports solar energy, homeowners need to follow the rules.

Read more …Eskom warns South Africans with rooftop solar: pay up, or be fined

BRITS POS – KOSMOS – Paul Prinsloo (62) het weer Maandag in die Brits Landdroshof verskyn vir die moorde op sy vrou (Magdalena Prinsloo (58) en haar dogter, Ruzanne Weideman (31) wat Prinsloo in die egpaar se huis op Kosmos doodgeskiet het.
Volgens die staat was daar ‘n hewige rusie tussen Paul en Magdalena, waarna hy glo sy jaggeweer gaan haal en sy vrou en stiefdogter doodgeskiet het.

Read more …Kosmos-moorde

BRITS POS – BRITS – Op die vraag wanneer die kragtoevoer na Sonop herstel gaan word, is daar geen antwoord nie - niemand weet nie, nie eens mense in hoë departementele posisies kan antwoorde gee nie!
Die wyksraadslid (wyk 40) in Sonop, Bheki Mphahlele, het Dinsdag, 4 Februarie persoonlik self na die hoofkantoor van Noordwes departement van publieke werke in Mahikeng gegaan om antwoorde te kry oor wat die stand van sake met die nuwe transformator (waarvoor kwotasies reeds op 20 Januarie aan Mahikeng gestuur is) is.

Read more …SONOP KRAGKRISIS - En, die duisternis duur voort

BRITS POS – BRITS - Collaborative efforts by Brits Trio Task Team, Operational Coordination Centre (OCC) and Crime Intelligence paid off when a hijacked truck, trailer and goods worth more than R2 million were recovered on Thursday evening, 23 January 2025. 
“Bojanala District Crime Intelligence, followed up on information received regarding activities of a group suspected of truck hijackings,” says Colonel Adéle Myburgh, SAPS North West spokesperson.

Read more …Co-operative action ensures more than R2 million success

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