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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - This past Saturday, 7 September, saw the community of Rustenburg come together in big numbers at Brauhaus Afrika in support of the Spring Cycle and Fun Run/Walk event in aid of Lighthouse Children’s Home.
DupWest Attorneys, in partnership with Rustenburg Run/Walk for Life and the Rustenburg Cycle Club banded together to transform the lawn at Brauhaus Afrika into a lively venue for various market stalls and some great family outdoor activities.

“It came to our attention that there is a big need for not just everyday items at Lighthouse, but also for assistance with after-school care in terms of homework and tutoring,” commented one of the sponsor partners. 
Thus, the idea of an event to assist in this regard, was born. 
Patrons enjoyed live music, food stalls, kiddies’ entertainment and the very best in German food and beer. The venue was jam-packed from early on in the morning and various teams in outfits specially designed for the day’s events embarked on the Fun Run/Walk and Cycle course in high spirits and with big smiles. Although there were a few more seasoned cyclists and runners on the day, each and every person that took did so with the aim of showing their commitment to community involvement and caring hearts. A total of 560 runners/walkers and 105 cyclists lined up for the event. Fifty-two staff and children of Lighthouse also attended on the day. 
Moreover, the IWISA No.1-family was also in attendance, as they have been supporting Lighthouse tremendously this year in an initiative of purchasing an “exit house” for children who are, by law, required to leave the comforts of the children’s home when they turn 18.
All the funds and contributions received on the day will go directly to the children’s home, which also had a donation drop-off for food, clothes, and stationery. 
At the time of going to press, the moneys collected could not be totalled yet, as donations were still being counted and received.