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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The whole of Rustenburg was up in arms on Sunday evening, 18 August, when news spread of an abandoned infant found dumped next to a refuse bin in Rustenburg North. 
Emergency responders were called to the scene and Luan Snyders, Councillor for Ward 43 acted quickly in posting a video, calling for information, that spread like wildfire on Facebook and WhatsApp.
 “This evening, my heart shatters upon learning that a newborn baby was discovered abandoned in a dustbin in Noord. My friend and I rushed to the scene. The paramedics from JustMed24 has transported us to JST Hospital. If you know of your neighbour who had a baby boy a few days ago and you don’t see her with the baby, please alert us or Thlabane SAPS.”

Councillor Snyders’ call did not go unanswered and on Monday morning, police in Tlhabane received a tip off, and a suspect was traced and arrested in Sunrise View. Consequently, the 31-year-old woman was expected to appear before the Bafokeng Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, 21 August, on a charge of child abandonment.
Councillor Snyders took to social media again and commented: “Thank you for sharing and raising awareness. Let us continue to do good even when the world may not see it.” He did have an opportunity to speak with the women after her arrest and said that she showed remorse and cried bitterly, asking if the baby was doing OK. “I truly hope that she will receive the necessary support that she needs. This incident has showed us that our country is in serious need of support structures for mothers in similar situations.” He added that the baby is doing very well and is an active, lively young boy. Unfortunately, he will now be absorbed into the social welfare system. 
Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital (JST) confirmed that the baby is safe and in good health. A spokesperson of JST commented that “There is no documentation leading to the baby’s identification, however, it is estimated that he is less than ten days. Internal processes are ongoing to handle the matter. The hospital urges the public to alert the relevant authorities should they suspect or know any information related to this matter.” The Bojanala Platinum Sub-District 2 Commissioner, Brigadier Mamotsamai Ntoagae praised and thanked the community for their assistance and urged them to report all suspected cases of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exploitation to the police, a designated child protection organisation, the department of social development or local social workers. In an act of kindness, Snyders self-christened the little boy “Moses” in remembrance of the Bible tale of the little Israelite boy who was found abandoned on the Nile River by and Egyptian princess. 
Many members of the community started referring to him as “Baby North” in relation to the location of where he was found and according to reports, nurses at JST named him Fihliwe (a Zulu word meaning “hidden”). 
In ensuring that the baby was named, felt loved and was cared for (numerous donations of baby care products were received) the Rustenburg community truly came together in a show of kindness and generosity. 
The Rustenburg community reacted swiftly and pro-actively when news broke of the baby’s discovery and although there was critique directed at the mother, many locals posted non-judgmental comments on various social media platforms.
 Here is what they had to say:
• When will RTB get a baby bin where babies can be placed in safety instead of just being dumped? This is heartbreaking.
• It’s really sad because you will never truly understand a situation until you literally experience it. It’s easy to judge from the outside.
• Most of the time, it’s not by choice that mothers leave their babies, especially those that don’t kill the babies. Some mothers are victims of rape and abuse, and the babies are constant reminders of those incidents.
• The country has thousands of social workers without work. We need them now more than ever.
• I doubt a sane woman would just dump a neonate like that. She’s probably going through something mentally (either a rape victim or PPD because she has no assistance whatsoever).
• There is an underlying psychological problem [with] the mother who did that...I am not saying she is right ...she loves the baby because she didn’t dump [it] in a river or pit toilet etc.
• She went and dumped the baby during the day where she knew people will hear and come to help the baby.
• I’m pretty sure it was a tough decision to make... But she had to, so the baby could survive. I pray she gets help somewhere somehow and she heals from all she’s been through.
• If I live on the street, I will also give up my child for the child’s sake. Mother’s makes many sacrifices in life that only those that are mothers will understand.
• We need to pray for her, that God can change her life for the better and not wish bad things upon her.
• Truth is, if you’ve never been in that situation or are unable to comprehend why such would happen, you’ll never understand.
• Oh my... How can a parent just leave a baby like that... I understand postpartum depression but ask for help don’t leave your baby like that.
• I get it this is the most selfish and stupid decision the mother has made, but after they find her, I hope they will give her chance to explain how she made such decisions. We are all fighting different battles silently, I hope she breaks the demons that pushed her to this before she gets punished.
• We are not here to judge the mother. We don’t walk in her shoes. Try and imagine the state of mind of someone who has to abandon a baby.