Lentswe, Khuma - ActionSA visited Kediemetse Primary School and found a very dire situation at the school’s ablution facilities.
The ceilings have collapsed, the doors have been broken and there is graffiti all over the walls. The stench coming from there is unbearable because there is no running water. The flushing system is not working and yet learners are allowed to continue using the toilets which are in such a bad state. The sewage is continuously flowing in the school premises.
These ablution facilities are a health hazard to both learners and teachers and poses a risk of infections and other hygiene related diseases.
ActionSA members RCM Charlotte Melela, Keith Marshall and Dr UJ Tshatshu found these unhygienic conditions at the school. The deputy principal, Molefe Melodi, explained that the vandalism happened during the school holidays.