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Lentswe, Klerksdorp - The Provincial Commissioner of the North West, Lt-Genl Sello Kwena accompanied by the deputy provincial commissioners and district commissioners, conferred ranks to 13 newly-appointed station commanders. The conferment took place on Friday May 10 at the South African Police Service (SAPS) Provincial Office in Potchefstroom.

The newly-appointed Station Commanders who will serve at towns in our distribution area are Lt Col DA Serebolo at Bloemhof who he has 20 years’ service and a Diploma in Management, Lt Col TV Semeno at Ventersdorp who served for the past 32 years and has a diploma in Policing and Capt KM Meleke at Ottosdal who has been serving for the past 19 years. 

She has a Bachelor’s degree in Police Science. 

Lehurutshe, Pudimoe, Swartruggens, Boons, Boshoek, Mareetsane, Morokweng, Reivilo, Vorstershoop and Dwarsberg also have new station commanders.

In his address, Kwena congratulated all the appointees. He reminded them that being a station commander is a mammoth task and that they are responsible for their jurisdictions and must always be available on their cell phones.

“Station Commander, you are the extension of the Provincial Commissioner. You are the extension of the District Commissioner. You must be there,” said the Provincial Commissioner.

Additionally, he urged the appointees to take care of both human and physical resources and to discourage the tendency of dumping of vehicles involved in accidents at garages without paperwork

“Critically, for being the station commander, is giving the people service that they request from you. Ensure that your Community Service Centre is running like a clock,” he concluded.