STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: As a means to nurture sports talent and provide safe environments for children to engage in physical activity in the Naledi Local Municipal area, a community Sports Coaches Development Programme was launched in 2023.
STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: As a means to nurture sports talent and provide safe environments for children to engage in physical activity in the Naledi Local Municipal area, a community Sports Coaches Development Programme was launched in 2023.
STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Die tweede rugbywedstryd in die Neser B-liga is Saterdag, 13 April tussen Vryburg en Zeerust by Gert Lubbe Sportstadion in Vryburg beslis.
STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: The DA in Vryburg is concerned by the slow pace of the local SAPS in the investigation into the disappearance of Selwyn Vry.
To date, there has been little progress in bringing justice to the Vry-family, says Cllr John Adonis - DA Councillor, Naledi Local Municipality. According to information received, Selwyn was last seen by his family on Saturday, 26 August at about 19:00 when he indicated that he was going to his friends. Selwyn never returned home since he left. The family looked for him with no success and reported him missing on Monday, 29 August. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a blue denim jeans during his disappearance. He is very tall with black hair and brown eyes. Now almost seven months later, there is no trace of his whereabouts. The Vry-family is not only traumatised by Selwyn’s disappearance, but also by the tardiness of the police investigation, says Adonis.
STELLALANDER-CHRISTIANA: ‘n 54-jarige Carel Jacobus Van Heerden sal na verwagting weer op Woensdag, 15 Mei in die Christiana-landdroshof verskyn nadat borgtog van R1000 toegestaan is.
Van Heerden het Donderdag, 4 April aanvanklik in die hof verskyn vir die onwettige besit van vuurwapens, die onwettige besit van ammunisie en die besit van tuisgemaakte vuurwapens.
Van Heerden het in die hof verskyn ná sy arrestasie op Woensdag, 3 April, nadat die polisie ‘n vuurwapen, ammunisie en tuisgemaakte vuurwapens by sy woning gevind is.
Berigte dui daarop dat lede van Christiana Sigbare Polisiëring en Vryburg K9-eenheid inligting wat ontvang het dat die beskuldigde vuurwapens by sy woning gehad het. Na die soektog is ammunisie in ‘n gat naby die kraal gevind.
STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: AfriForum, ’n organisasie wat vandag meer as 315 000 lede in elke uithoek van die land verteenwoordig, vier vandag sy agtiende bestaansjaar.
Dié burgerregteorganisasie is op 26 Maart 2006 vir die eerste keer aan die publiek bekendgestel in ’n berig oor sy stigting wat op bladsy 19 van ‘n Afrikaanse Sondagkoerant verskyn het.