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STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: In a continuous efforts to keep the province safe and secure, high density “Operation Shanela” crime operations conducted in the province between Monday, 29 January 2024 and Sunday, 04 February 2024, ascertained 814 suspects were nabbed for numerous crimes.
The arrested suspects included 47 for drug related offences, 20 for illegal dealing in liquor, 30 for driving under the influence of liquor, two for illegal possession of firearms and ammunition. 

Read more …Police clamp down on suspects during crime operation

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: More than 300 learners from disadvantaged families across the districts received school uniform from North West Social Development MEC Lazarus Mokgosi through the back to school drive. 
The handover of school uniform was given to identified learners in quintile three schools in Ngaka Modiri Molema, Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati districts.


Read more …New school clothing for learners

STELLALANDER-HARTSWATER: ’n Persoon is in die hoofstraat in Hartswater deur ‘n taxi getref. 
Dié taxi het die persoon voor ‘n ander taxi ingegooi. Die tweede taxi het bo-oor die man gery. Die man is daarna op die toneel oorlede. Die slagoffer het vir ten minste ‘n uur en ‘n half in die straat gelê voordat Patologie van Kimberley af op die toneel opgedaag het. “Dis ‘n baie tragiese situasie. 


Read more …Tref-en-trap in Hartswater se hoofstraat

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