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Fri, Oct

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Oktober is die maand van borskanker-bewustheid en dit is daarom belangrik om gereeld jou borste te ondersoek, ongeag jou geslag. 
Die gemiddelde leeftydrisiko vir borskanker onder SA vroue is een uit 29. Een uit elke agt vrou wat 85 jaar en ouer is sal in hulle leeftyd borskanker kry en word in 70% van die gevalle deur selfondersoek ontdek. Sannie Holtzhausen (92) van Vryburg is in Augustus 2002 met borskanker gediagnoseer. Sy was deur ‘n onkoloog, Dr Constant Nel van Bloemfontein behandel met bestraling en ses kursusse chemoterapie. Volgens Nel, het sy alles goed verdra en is sedertdien al amper 20 jaar in remissie. “Sy is ‘n voorbeeld van hoe kanker oorwin kan word,” sê Nel. Tannie Sannie, wat haar 92ste verjaarsdag eersdaags vier, vul gereeld blokraaisels in en boer nog met Bonsmaras. Sy het drie kinders, sewe kleinkinders en vier agterkleinkinders. Sy deel haar geheim van die lewe en glo dat mens fisies besig moet bly omdat dit goed vir die liggaam en siel is. “Drink baie water en vermy suiker want dit voed kanker,” sê Holtzhausen.  

Read more …Borskanker kan oorwin word

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: The SAPS Safer Festive Season Operational Plan was rolled out recently in all provinces. 
The plan will see heightened focus on seven areas which include GBVF, combatting of serious and violent crime such as aggravated robberies, border security, strengthening by-laws, road safety, as well as illegal mining. “We are not going to co-govern with criminals. We are going toe-to-toe with them, our priority is the safety and security of all the inhabitants of this country and their property, police officers are instructed to also sharpen their responses to the most vulnerable in society, during the holiday period and beyond,” said Minister Cele. In a bid to improve and enhance service delivery, the SAPS has also launched a service rating platform where members of the public will now be able to rate the service they are receiving from all police stations across the country.

Read more …Police launch service rating online platform

STELLALANDER-DELAREYVILLE: Last week the Minister of Police, General Bheki Cele said the decisive approach that is characterised by weekly Operation Shanela across the country is  here to stay up until safety is drastically improved in communities. 
High density operations were conducted from Monday, 2 to Sunday, 8 October in the Province and yielded success with 569 suspects that were arrested for numerous crimes during 44 operations.

Read more …Police recover copper cables during Operation Shanela

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