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BRITS POS – SONOP - Police in Brits opened an inquest docket for investigation , following the death of two children , aged three and 10. It is alleged that a 32-year-old woman cooked  a meal of pap, chicken feet and wheat for the family on Friday, 17 November at Regorogile in Sonop , west of Brits.
The whole family and their neighbours’ three children ate the meal and everybody went to sleep. 

The children, aged between 2 and 17, became ill and vomited in the early hours of Saturday morning,
 18 November. An ambulance was called, but one of the children was declared dead at the scene while others, including the neighbours’ kids as well as the woman who cooked the meal, were taken to Brits Hospital for medical attention. Regrettably, the second child died at the hospital while two other children were later transferred to George Mukhari hospital. 
Investigations into the matter, including collection and testing of food samples are still underway.