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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - After a great start to the 2024 rugby season things did not go too well for the 1st team of Sibanye Stillwater on Saturday, when Sibanye met old traditional "enemies" Casmar Rustenburg Impala on its home turf for the second leg of the clash for the Rustenburg Platinum Floating trophy. 

For many, it will be good news to learn that the trophy will be shared between Sibanye Stillwater and Casmar Rustenburg Impala this year, with the final leg of the clash won by Casmar Impala with the winning score of 24 - 22 on Saturday. Sibanye took the lead in the race for the trophy on Saturday, 6 April, when they managed to overcome Casmar Rustenburg Impala in a fine victory of 33 - 12. With things now settled tentatively, it would be interesting to see which teams comes out on top towards the end of the season. 
This weekend's activities at Casmar Rustenburg Impala Rugby Club was concluded by a long-awaited reunion between countless former members, star players and prominent people who have done a lot for rugby at Rustenburg's clubs of yesteryear - turn to our other sports pages to see who the heroes of yesteryear were.