Wat ‘n besondere prestasie! Rayden Fienies van Laerskool Vastrap
is op 22 Maart as die beste baanatleet tydens die
Suid-Afrikaanse atletiekkampioenskappe aangewys.
Vastrap is só trots op Rayden!
Wat ‘n besondere prestasie! Rayden Fienies van Laerskool Vastrap
is op 22 Maart as die beste baanatleet tydens die
Suid-Afrikaanse atletiekkampioenskappe aangewys.
Vastrap is só trots op Rayden!
BONUS - RUSTENBURG - The provincial budget delivered by MEC Kenetswe Mosenogi in the North West Provincial Legislature is nothing but an empty framework with empty promises - and was not aligned with the Premier's promises in the State of the Province Address (SOPA).
During her speech on Wednesday, 19 March, Mosenogi's ignorance came forth with her announcements of the improvement in the stability and functionality of councils in the municipalities across the province.
BONUS - RUSTENBURG - The Executive Mayor of Rustenburg, Ms Sheila Mabale-Huma, alongside the Acting Bojanala Platinum Sub-District 2 Commissioner, Brigadier Mamotsamai Ntoagae, officially launched the Safer Easter Operation on the N4 near Kroondal last Thursday, 20 March. The operation, which runs until 5 May, aims to enhance safety and security during the Easter holiday period.
BONUS - POTCHEFSTROOM/KLERKSDORP - OFM is op die uitkyk vir sentraal-Suid-Afrika se volgende sangsensasie!
OFM vat hierdie Maart die pad met ‘Showride’, hul splinternuwe buite-uitsaaieenheid, op soek na rou musiektalent. Dit is OFM-luisteraars se kans om hul liedjies op die radio te laat speel!
BONUS - RUSTENBURG - Ebrahim Rasool, South African ambassador to the United States, was expelled from his country of service and was given only a few days to pack up and leave the United States of America.
This apparently follows quite a list of non-diplomatic utterances and comments about President Donald Trump and the USA - notably that the US President was fighting for white extremism. Rasool was expelled after what has been described as hateful statements towards the American people and President Donald Trump.