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BONUS - RUSTENBURG - Amateur artists are invited to enter Rustenburg Herald/NW Bonus art competition, which is presented in collaboration with Pick n Pay Greystone Crossing and Pick n Pay Lifestyle Square in Beyers Naudé Drive. 
With the first two winners of the competition done and dusted, it is time for the next round of the competition. 

Our two latest winners will be among all the finalists at the Grand Judging to select two overall winners towards the end of the year, so make sure that your entries are ready for submission and who knows, you could be one of two winners of two Pick n Pay shopping vouchers to the value of R10 000 each - these are surely not to be missed. 
Amateur artists may enter as many artworks as they wish and there is no entry fee. Make sure to complete the entry form on this page with all the necessary info of the competition. Artworks may be submitted in the "post boxes" at Pick n Pay Greystone Crossing or Beyers Naudé as well as reception of Rustenburg Herald in 13 Coetzer Street.