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Dit kan nie bevestig word of die voorval van ‘n Checkers Sixty60 afleweringsbode wat beroof word terwyl hy by ‘n kompleks se ingang wag vir toegang, in Klerksdorp gebeur het nie. ‘n Video van so ‘n voorval het vandeesweek opslae gemaak op sosiale media, maar die oorsprong kan nie bevestig word nie. Verskeie mense van regoor die land wat kommentaar gelewer het op die video het aangedui dat hulle weet van soortgelyke voorvalle wat al met afleweringsbodes gebeur het. Wees maar versigtig, is die algemene boodskap. Die foto is ‘n skermgreep van die video.



Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - ‘n Huis op die Nooitgedacht kleinhoewes is die afgelope naweek in ‘n brand verwoes.

Elize Steyn vertel dat niemand by die huis was toe die brand omstreeks 16:00 op Saterdag 24 Februarie uitbreek nie. “My broer bly baie naby en hy het die rook gesien. Toe jaag ons almal soontoe. Die brand het in die dak uitgebreek en baie vinnig versprei. Daar is niks oor nie. 


Read more …Familiehuis in puin

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The North West Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, welcomed the 15 year imprisonment handed down to an Alabama couple for abusing their five children. One of the children, a new born baby died of hunger.

The 38-year-old mother and 46-year-old father were sentenced in the High Court sitting in Klerksdorp last week. They were charged with culpable homicide, two counts of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and child neglect. The parents who cannot be identified to protect the identity of the children, were arrested in 2021.

Lt Col Amanda Funani, police spokesperson, said the court heard horrific testimony of how the mother abused the children by hitting them, throwing them against the wall and withholding food from them. The children were aged between three weeks old and 13 years old.

Read more …Parents sent to jail for child abuse

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The R30 between Klerksdorp and Orkney is fast becoming notorious for criminal activity after two recent high profile incidents.

It has become so bad that Orkney SAPS issued a warning for people to avoid travelling late at night on the road, and to be vigilant at all times, even during the day, for gunmen. “It is common knowledge that illegal miners are very active in the area, and most of the crimes are directly related to the activities of the so-called Zama-Zamas. We consider all the roads surrounding Orkney as dangerous, especially after dark,’’ says WO Elize van Schalkwyk, police spokesperson in Orkney.

Read more …Danger on Orkney Road

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The investigating officer in the corruption case against the Matlosana Municipality’s CFO was arrested for allegedly soliciting a bribe from her.

Lt Col Elias Ledwaba from the Klerksdorp Hawks was caught in a sting operation that was conducted in Silver Lakes, Pretoria. It is alleged that he arranged for Mercy Phetla to pay him R100 000 “for the case against her to disappear’’. She then reported the matter to the national anti-corruption unit and the sting operation was set in motion.



Read more …Hawks officer arrested for extortion

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