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BRITS POS – BRITS - On Thursday 18 July, International Nelson Mandela Day, people of all ages, interests and careers are invited to participate in volunteering 67 minutes to craft and pack items for everyone in need.
Create a better world for all children by raising funds for children in need. Gushwell Brooks, Head of Nelson Mandela Day, says it is heart-breaking that a quarter of food in South Africa goes to waste whilst a quarter of South Africans do not have access to adequate food.

To work in feeding communities, providing resources and skills for increased urban farming, and the awareness attached thereto is essential for real action in combatting food insecurity, a cause most definitely worth supporting!” Those wanting to enhance the lives of others through acts of kindness and love can for example do the following and hand them out:
Make sandwiches, fill buckets of hope, pack nutrition boxes, craft toys, create books and posters or pack innovative food garden kits.
(Please share your contributions and photographs with Brits Pos to be published in the 25 July 2024 edition.)