BRITS POS – SILVERTON - Die Cullinan Boere-unie, in samewerking met TLU SA, nooi jou uit na die opwindende 2025 Goliat van Gat Pampoenfees!
Die fees vind plaas Saterdag, 15 Maart 2025 by die Pretoria Ou Motorklub in Silverton en beloof iets vir almal – van reuse-pampoene tot smullekker pampoengeregte.
Hierdie jaar staan verbruikers en deelnemers in die kollig met die heerlike pampoengeregkompetisie wat vir almal oop is!
Kersklanke verbly seniors se harte
BRITS POS – BRITS – Vir die afgelope 45 jaar helder lede van die NG Kerk Sanddrift senior burgers se lewens gedurende die Kerstyd op, met die sing van Kersliedere.
Dié inisiatief is deur Danie Ehlers begin met net vyf mense wat gedurende Kerstyd vir senior burgers in die Sanddrift-omgewing gesing het.
Seniors word bederf
BRITS POS – BRITS – Die inwoners van Brits Rusoord is gedurende Desember behoorlik met ‘n heerlike Kersete en geskenkpakkies bederf.
As deel van ‘n Oupa en Oupa-projek het elkeen van die inwoners ‘n spesiale geskenkpakkie, volgens elkeen se individuele behoeftes ontvang.
Dié geskenkpakkies is tydens Rusoord se jaarlike Kersete aan die inwoners oorhandig.
How to create an environmentally friendly festive table
BRITS POS – BRITS - As the end of the year draws near and the festive season approaches, students and chef lecturers at Capsicum Culinary Studio and the IIE School of Hospitality & Service Management (IIE HSM) showed their skills arranging a lunch or dinner table setting that was not only fun but also environmentally friendly.
The focus was taken away from the traditional, to think out of the box, while still keeping current trends in mind.
Let your light shine
BRITS POS – BRITS - The unveiling of the GST Beacon of Hope, the tallest Christmas tree in South Africa and Africa, on Saturday, 1 December 2024, was a truly momentous occasion. Standing at an incredible height of 45m, this beacon of hope surpassed its predecessor of 2023 by 7m, symbolising progress and growth in the community.
With 6km of lights and more than 40,000 flickering LEDs, the GST Beacon of Hope shines brightly as a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Inspired by the success of the 2023 Beacon of Hope, the tree was illuminated for the first time by GST CEO Johan Ingram, in a ceremony witnessed by employees and charity foundations alike.