BRITS POS – BRITS – The new change that will affect all of Eskom’s prepaid customers’ meters is happening on 24 November 2024 and customers are urged to check if their prepaid meters are updated and ready for the TID rollover before this coming Sunday.
According to Eskom, a new series of electricity vending codes will be introduced to all meters in South Africa.
This will ensure that the meter’s key change code does not expire. Eskom is informing its prepaid customers that the lifespan of the current vending codes of meters will be expiring on this date. If you are an Eskom prepaid customer, you will need to take action to ensure that your meter keeps working and that you will still be able to top up your meter when you purchase your meter tokens.
The reason why this is happening is because all prepayment meters based on STS technology will stop accepting new credit tokens because of the expiry of these vending codes. This will mean they will stop dispensing electricity after the existing credit is used up, thus making the meter inactive. Each credit token has a unique token identifier (TID) encoded in the 20 digits to prevent token replay at the meter. The TID is referenced to a base date of 1993 and will run out of range in 2024 (known as the TID rollover event), thus causing the prepayment meter to stop accepting new tokens.
If your meter has not been recoded, it will not accept the tokens you have purchased, which means it will stop working. All prepaid meters must be recoded, whether you are an Eskom customer or a municipality supplied customer.
Key Revision Number (KRN). To check whether your meter has been recoded/upgraded to KRN2 or is still on KRN1, please enter the code 1844 6744 0738 4377 2416 on your prepaid meter’s keypad. The screen will display either the number 1 or 2, and in some cases, there may also be alphabetic letters alongside the KRN number.
Number 1 means your meter is still on KRN1 and needs to be recoded/upgraded to KRN2.
*You can use Alfred to log your KRN token information, Alfred will route your request to the KRN team and will give you feedback right away. No need to call the contact centre for KRN, use Alfred chat bot for quick immediate service instead. You can simply go to