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BRITS POS – BRITS - The petulant and panicked ANC press statement demanding that South Africans must defend their national sovereignty positively reeked of hypocrisy.
The Referendum Party would like to remind the ANC that when black South Africans were unjustly subjected to race-based laws, international lobbying and support were the primary weapons in the ANC’s arsenal.

The tables are now turned, and it is the ANC who are unjustly implementing race-based laws against ethnic minorities. To now complain about those minorities resorting to the same tactics of international lobbying and support to get out from under them is beyond comprehension. It demonstrates just how detached from reality the ANC have become.
The ANC’s policies and conduct have facilitated the current crisis. The solution is not to escalate tensions with the US, but to pause and reflect on what the root causes of the current crisis are. 
In doing so, the ANC should realise that it is in the wrong.
The ANC is being asked to: 
*    End race-based policy and embrace genuine non-racialism
*    Repeal sections of the Expropriation Act and protect property rights
*    Honour the right of self-determination
These demands are not ideological debating points; they are fundamental human rights, all of which are contained (directly or indirectly) in the South African Constitution, and all of which are central pillars of International Law.
It is also ill-advised for the ANC to flirt with allegations of treason. That definitely does not become a political party which: is said to have murdered thousands of South Africans to secure its seat as the dominant ‘liberation party’, facilitated the theft of billions of Rands through state capture, is led by a president who was caught hiding millions of Rands in foreign currency under his sofa, and who are widely suspected of taking funding from rogue regimes to solve their funding crisis in return for doing their bidding.