Damme vol en reën-meters staan boepens
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Terwyl die meeste opgaardamme in Noordwes en in die grootste gedeeltes van die land tot oorlopens toe vol is en met boere wat veral in die Limpopo-provinsie groot verliese weens ongekende vloede gely het, is dit vir niemand nuus dat die land die afgelope twee tot drie maande aansienlik meer as die "normale" hoeveelheid reënval gekry het nie.
Read more: Damme vol en reën-meters staan boepens -
Foreigners arrested and mining equipment seized
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The ongoing Vala Umgodi operations continue to deal effectively with illicit mining and related crimes in the Bojanala Platinum District.
This comes after the Vala Umgodi deployment confiscated two excavators and several other illegal mining equipment that were found abandoned at Bapong illegal mining site in the policing precinct of Mogwase on Thursday, 20 March.Read more: Foreigners arrested and mining equipment seized -
Kick-off of Safer Easter Operation on N4
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Executive Mayor of Rustenburg, Ms Shiela Mabale-Huma, alongside the Acting Bojanala Platinum Sub-District 2 Commissioner, Brigadier Mamotsamai Ntoagae, officially launched the Safer Easter Safer Operation on the N4 near Kroondal last Thursday, 20 March. The operation, which runs until 5 May, aims to enhance safety and security during the Easter holiday period.
Read more: Kick-off of Safer Easter Operation on N4