RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Terwyl die meeste opgaardamme in Noordwes en in die grootste gedeeltes van die land tot oorlopens toe vol is en met boere wat veral in die Limpopo-provinsie groot verliese weens ongekende vloede gely het, is dit vir niemand nuus dat die land die afgelope twee tot drie maande aansienlik meer as die "normale" hoeveelheid reënval gekry het nie.
Foreigners arrested and mining equipment seized
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The ongoing Vala Umgodi operations continue to deal effectively with illicit mining and related crimes in the Bojanala Platinum District.
This comes after the Vala Umgodi deployment confiscated two excavators and several other illegal mining equipment that were found abandoned at Bapong illegal mining site in the policing precinct of Mogwase on Thursday, 20 March.
Kick-off of Safer Easter Operation on N4
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Executive Mayor of Rustenburg, Ms Shiela Mabale-Huma, alongside the Acting Bojanala Platinum Sub-District 2 Commissioner, Brigadier Mamotsamai Ntoagae, officially launched the Safer Easter Safer Operation on the N4 near Kroondal last Thursday, 20 March. The operation, which runs until 5 May, aims to enhance safety and security during the Easter holiday period.
Municipal CFO arrested for corruption
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Patrick Pogisho Shikwane (53), Leslina Olga Ndlovu (45), the former Chief Financial Officer of Bojanala District Municipality; Patrick Tlhapi (53), the Bojanala District Municipality Chief Whip; Gontse Kekana (39), the Secretary to the former Municipal Manager; and Mantsho Gloria Moremi (38), a service provider, appeared in the Rustenburg Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, 18 March.
Die pad vorentoe vir die Nasionale Begroting
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Wat die finansminister se tweede probeerslag van verlede Woensdag betref om die nasionale begroting in die parlement ter tafel te lê, hou die land en sy mense nou vir die volgende 16 dae asem op.
Suid-Afrika sit vir die eerste keer in ‘n baie lang tyd met ‘n regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) waarin die ANC nie ‘n volstrekte meerderheid het om die begroting aanvaar te kry nie. Die DA en verskeie ander partye het intussen laat blyk dat hulle nie vir ‘n begroting met ‘n verhoging in BTW te vinde is nie.
Carried by goodwill and kind hearts
Dawid and Jacqui Fraser of 53 Soetdoring Avenue, Protea Park, in front of their home where virtually everything the family owned burnt down during a fire last Wednesday. It is with enormous gratitude that the family spoke to Rustenburg Herald earlier this week to share a few thoughts about their ordeal, but in particular, the goodwill and kind-hearted spirit of Rustenburg’s people who literally inundated the Frasers with food, clothing and everything that they might need.
RLM public participation meeting - “Hope is gone”
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - On Thursday, 6 March, a public participation meeting was held in the Old Town Hall to discuss and address service delivery concerns within Rustenburg.
The meeting was attended by residents from Wards 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 42 and 43, staff of Rustenburg Local Municipality (RLM) and Ward Councillors.
The meeting, unfortunately very poorly attended, included an annual report (2023/2024) on items such as financial and service delivery performance.
Solidariteit begin met regsaksie teen regering
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Solidariteit se regspan het ‘n regsaanmaning aan die minister van handel, nywerheid en mededinging, Parks Tau, gestuur waarin die onwettige en diskriminerende aard van die beplande R100 miljard-rasfonds uitgewys word. Deur hierdie regsproses verskerp Solidariteit sy teenstand teen dié beplande rasfonds, wat aan al die eienskappe van nóg ‘n verrykingskema vir die politieke elite voldoen, en wat nie deur ‘n administrasie wat tans ‘n begrotingskrisis in die gesig staar, bekostig kan word nie.
Twee inwoners gewond in nadraai van transitorooftog
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Sosiale media het op Maandagaand, 10 Maart, omstreeks 18:30 begin gons nadat skote en ontploffings in die omgewing van Oos-Einde gehoor is.
Foto’s en video’s het kort voor lank begin versprei van ‘n voertuig wat in ligte laaie op die R510 dubbelpad gestaan het, aangrensend aan Benedenstraat, naby aan die Oos-Einde plaaslike moskee. ‘n Paar meter voor die brandende voertuig, het ‘n geldwa wawyd oopgestaan wat gedui het op ‘n transitorooftog.
Intelligence operation leads to confiscation of copper cables
RUSTENBURG HERALD - BOITEKONG - An intelligence driven operation executed by Boitekong Visible Policing members yielded positive results when four suspects were arrested on Wednesday, 26 February, at Dichibidung informal settlement.
The arrest came after follow-up was made on information received that people were seen loading copper cables into a white Jeep Grand Cherokee at the settlement.
Gesteelde vragmotor blitsvinnig teruggevind
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Vinnige en samewerkende optrede om misdaad die hoof te bied, het gelei tot die ingehegtenisname van ‘n vragmotordief slegs minute nadat die voertuig gesteel is.
Polisiebeamptes was besig met hul pligte tydens die Veiliger Stad-operasie in die sentrale sakekern van Rustenburg, omstreeks 09:00 op Vrydag, 28 Februarie toe ‘n waarskuwing en uitkykboodskap die beamptes bereik het, wat hulle in kennis gestel het dat ‘n wit Toyota Dyna-vragmotor gesteel is.
Three sentenced to life after murder conviction
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Bafokeng Regional Court has sentenced three men to direct imprisonment for their roles in the murder of Jeremiah Sello Hamel (45) and the attempted murder of Koketso Thakadu and Neo Liteli (both 19).
The accused, Rapula Solomon Ramadikela (34), Kefiloe Victor Tsoloane (36), and Dumisane Matejwana Ndaba (22), received sentences ranging from 10 years to life imprisonment. The convictions stem from an incident on 16 February 2023 in Freedom Park, Rustenburg.