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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - A wave of crime that has been ongoing for a period of approximately six months, has hit local pre-schools, soft targets for brazen criminal activity.
In what could initially be deemed as occurrences of “petty”’ theft, because of the nature of the items taken, the criminals have opted to resort to using knives as a means to scare victims into complying with their demands of handing over personal items on the spot, thus causing these crimes to become more aggressive and intimidating in nature.  In an absolutely blatant show of disregard of the law, the perpetrators attack in bright daylight on the street, or break in in the early hours, through ceilings and over walls, not being deterred by Closed Circuit Television cameras (CCTV) and other forms of security. 

These unscrupulous acts have prompted pre-schools in town to band together and warn each other of incidents of crime on a local WhatsApp security alert group - with approximately 40 schools as members. Isabel Wolmarans, owner of one of the pre-schools in question, says that they have spent over R60 000 on implementing security measures at their school, which includes a permanent guard and guard dog at the premises. “Our school has had three incidents of theft, and I know of at least two pre-schools who have closed their doors, as the security risk had become too high. I know of instances where wires have been cut, concrete has been broken down and knives have been used to frighten victims. Staff of many pre-schools are now permanently walking around with panic buttons.” Morné Engelbrecht of Outdoor Arena Security has been instrumental in assisting pre-schools, advising them on what security measures to implement to safeguard staff and premises. He confirmed that, to his knowledge, no instances of violence have been reported, but that the crimes are ongoing. Some of the victims reported the crimes to the South African Police Services in earlier parts of the year, but because of the nature of the crimes, no arrests have been made and victims have reported these incidents less and less. To date, the perpetrators have looted multiple cell phones and wallets, laptops, lights, pots and pans, extensions and even toddler scooters. They have also caused malicious damage to buildings, including structural and support infrastructure. 
* Dates and times (if provided) of incidents at various Rustenburg pre-schools: 26 March, 13 May at 4:07, 16 May at 4:00, 24 May at 18:40, 30 May, 31 May at 22:40, 6 June at 17:45, 9 June at 17:00, 27 June, 13 July at 16:55, 19 July at 20:00, 19 July at 23:30, 24 July at 2:30, 25 July at 4:00, 26 July at 19:00, 11 August at 23:00 and 20 August.