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Lentswe, Kanana - A Mass prayer and Memorial led by Kanana Council of Churches President Apostle TD Mofokeng and different churches with the office of the Matlosana Executive Mayor was held in the township. 

This event took place at the Mphe-qheke Stadium in Kanana on Friday August 1. The prayer aimed to provide healing and encouragement through words to the families affected by the tragic massacre in the community.

The Kanana SAPS, Correctional Services, KCC, Women’s Interdomination, Kanana Amalgamated Madodana Association, Pastors from Kanana, Jouberton, Orkney, and Khuma, Executive Mayor’s Office, Counsellors, Speaker of Matlosana, and District Mayor, Kanana Tambaais and Kanana Business and Tarvern owners all attended the event.

Apostle TD Mofokeng oversaw the procession from Vaal Maseru to Mdu’s Tavern, where pastors prayed before continuing on to the stadium. 

The President of Inter, Mrs Tshite, conducted a candlelight service where the Chaplain of the Correctional Service shared an impactful scripture. The ceremony concluded with a strong prayer in which all individuals took part and invoked the presence of the Holy Spirit in the community. 

“May the spirits of every soul lost in the massacre find eternal peace.’’