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Lentswe, Orkney - Abantu Bethu Organisation, a vibrant youth-led NGO, embarked on a mission to distribute food parcels to families in need. They are determined to make it an ongoing initiative.

On July 30, the Abantu Bethu team took to the streets, armed with food parcels and a passion for making a difference. With a deep understanding of the community’s struggles, they identified those most in need and delivered essential items, putting smiles on faces and hope in hearts.

Abantu Bethu Organisation is dedicated to empowering young people and supporting the community through various initiatives. They aim to supply disadvantaged kids with school uniforms and stationery, provide Hygiene Bags for the Homeless, supply clean water for disadvantaged Communities/Schools and employ local youth to repair and cover potholes on local roads.



“We believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive,” said Bongo Myeko, one of the founders of Abantu Bethu Organisation.

“Our goal is to provide sustenance for the body and nourishment for the soul. We’re committed to supporting our community through ongoing initiatives,” said Romeo Mothofo, another founder of Abantu Bethu.

The organisation’s dedication is evident in their plans to continue distributing food parcels in the coming weeks and months. So far, they have been able to assist 9 families out of the 70 families they have been in contact with, and they plan on helping many more in the coming weeks and months.

The impact of Abantu Bethu’s efforts is already being felt. Recipients expressed gratitude, sharing stories of struggle and hope. “This food parcel is a blessing,” said one beneficiary. “It’s a reminder that we’re not alone, and there are people who care.”

As the organisation continues to spread hope and kindness, they invite others to join them on this journey. To learn more about donation and partnership opportunities, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 074 609 9898.