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Lentswe, Klerksdorp - Businesses and households that are in arrears with their municipal accounts can expect to be disconnected.
Last week, the Department of Finance managed to collect some outstanding revenue after visiting households and businesses with outstanding accounts.
“Some managed to pay while others were disconnected. Businesses in Klerksdorp CBD, Freemanville, Meiringspark, Wilkeville and Wilkoppies were visited,’’ said Ntswaki Makgetha, municipal spokesperson.
MMC Maria Ramphele thanked businesses and households for making regular payments to the municipality. She pleaded those who are in arrears to pay their municipal accounts or consult municipal offices for payment arrangements.


Lentswe, Klerksdorp - Leano la Bophelo celebrated heritage month on September 29 with members of the communities of Matlosana dressed in traditional attire and singing traditional folk songs with the beating of drums and enjoying folk story telling about the history of Klerksdorp from the times of Makweteng. 

Read more …Saving Goudkoppie Heritage Hill

The Randlespark community came together on Heritage Day to clean their environment. Residents decided to stay in a healthy and clean environment. The project was facilitated by DD Koboekae on 082 796 7321. Get involved in the community by calling this number.