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Lentswe, Klerksdorp - Former professional footballers from the length and breadth of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District are reviving football at grass roots level in their communities. The Dr Kenneth Kaunda Football Legends and Masters Forum was launched on Tuesday August 13 at the Klerksdorp Recreation Centre.

At the vanguard of this launch is the partnership between the Dr KK District Municipality and South African Football Association (SAFA) as well as support from the Provincial Department of Arts, Culture, Sports & Recreation. 

The launch of this regional structure was also attended by Dr KK Executive Mayor Nikiwe Num, MMC for Local Economic Development Alderman Raymond Mampe and football legends from all three Local Football Association (LFAs) in the City of Matlosana, JB Marks and Maquassi Hills.

Through this programme, the stakeholders seek to resuscitate and rebuild the fortunes of football within the region by assembling former football players and taking them through proper channels and understanding football administration, which amongst others include rules, statutes, regulations and constitutions of SAFA and the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA).

“The centre of this structure hinges on supporting social cohesion, which is the cornerstone of community upliftment through sport development. And whilst the District Municipality will provide full support where it can to the structure, the responsibility is bestowed upon the leadership of this forum as we believe it has the ability to develop football in the district. This indeed is the beginning of a protracted journey of extricating young people from acts of crime and drug abuse which they are deeply immersed.

“To the legends and masters, your thinking and knowledge, coupled together with government’s willingness to break all barriers to assist presents a positive narrative leading to effective operation of this structure. It also presents a bright future for the youth of this district. What we are planting as a seed, we may not see it in our lifetime, but we need to be able to do something. As a start, the vision must be there even if we are not there so that those who come behind are able to advance it further in our absence”, said Executive Mayor, Nikiwe Num.