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STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Sport fans in and around Vryburg had the opportunity to meet up with Springbok legend Os du Randt as part of the celebration of rugby fever around the globe.  

Front-row star Du Randt turned out in 80 tests for the national side during a superb 13-year international career. The popular prop also played for the Cheetahs, the Cats and the Bulls before announcing his retirement in 2007.

Read more …Springbok legend visits Vryburg

STELLALANDER-SCHWEIZER-RENEKE: The 45-year-old Sergeant Thomas Moleme was granted R7000 bail upon his first appearance in the Schweizer-Reneke Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, 31 August for corruption. 
Moleme was expected to reappear before court on Wednesday, 27 September. Information is that the member, who was accompanied by a person whom he introduced as a Captain, arrested a suspect for assault in May this year. On their way to the police station, the pair demanded R1000 on behalf of the assault victim on condition that the latter withdraws the case. The suspect consented to the demand and gave R1000 to the duo.

Read more …Captain and colleague arrested for soliciting bribe money

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Net wanneer boere dink hulle het die laaste veldbrande gesien, vind meer verwoesting en dood plaas met verlies aan grond, diere en lewens wat gerapporteer. ‘n Veldbrand het Saterdag, 30 September omtreeks 12:30, reg noord omtrent 3 km van die Leon Taljaard Natuurreservaat en Swatfontein oord buite Vryburg ontstaan. Die plaaslike brandweer is om 13:00 van die brand in kennis gestel en het al hulle beskikbare personeel en voertuie ontplooi. Die brand het weikampe en veld van die Ganyesapad tot byna teen die Delareyvillepad verwoesting gesaai. Vyf chalets en ‘n gemeenskapsaal by Swartfontein ontspanningsoord is totaal verwoes in die brand. Die veldbrandseisoen blyk weereens ‘n problematiese tydperk vir Vryburg-boere te wees, aangesien hulle teen verwoestende brande gestry het wat die lewens van vee en verbrande hektare weiveld in die distrik geëis het.

Read more …Destydse spog-oord in brand verwoes

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Die burgerregteorganisasie AfriForum het die laaste week 63 koringstrooibale aan boere in die Vryburg-omgewing geskenk wat onlangs onder veldbrande deurgeloop het.  Dié strooibale het altesaam 14 ton geweeg. In Augustus en September het meer as 200 000 hektaar se weiding afgebrand as gevolg van veldbrande. Meer as 60 beeste het in hierdie tydperk doodgebrand. “Baie boere in die omgewing het groot skade gelei weens die brande.

Daar is boere wat geen weiding meer vir hulle vee oor het nie en daarom het AfriForum ingespring en voer geskenk om boere in hierdie moeilike tyd te help,” verduidelik Jp Nel, AfriForum se distrikskoördineerder vir Stellaland. Hierdie skenkings is moontlik gemaak deur AfriForum se Voer vir ’n Boer-projek. AfriForum se Vryburg-tak het ook water, koeldrank en nie-bederfbare kos vanuit die gemeenskap ingesamel vir die persone wat gehelp het om die brande te bestry.

Read more …Voer vir ‘n Boer

STELLALANDER-VRYBURG: Joe Morolong Memorial Hospital in Vryburg celebrated Heritage day on Thursday, 21 September. The aim of the celebration was to appreciate and recognize different cultural groups in the hospital and unity in the provision of quality health care irrespective of colour ethnicity. The hospital Chief Executive Officer, Portia Tlou highlighted the importance of appreciating and recognizing the diverse culture in South Africa. She also encouraged staff members to learn different languages that South African have to offer. “As an institution we have even non-South Africans working here and there is need to embrace and learn their culture”, lamented Tlou. Explaining the culture of the Xhosas, Nokhwezi Mele, explained the significance of their dress code and how a married person should dress as opposed to unmarried people.

Read more …Accelerating provision of quality care through diversity of ethnicity

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