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BRITS POS – BRITS - TLU SA versoek Suid-Afrikaners nou om ons boere in droogtegeteisterde areas te ondersteun met ‘n bydrae aan TLU SA se Traumafonds.
In die hartjie van die droogte staar ons boere ‘n opdraande stryd in die gesig om hul diere te voer. “Ons het dusver nog nie ‘n druppel reën in die Koedoesrand omgewing gehad nie. Daar is nie ‘n grassie in sig nie,” sê Danie Prins, TLU SA Noord-streekbestuurder. 

Read more …NOODKREET VAN DROOGTEGETEISTERDE AREAS! Niks vir diere om te vreet nie.

BRITS POS – BRITS – Homeless people took over the area where the post boxes at Brits Post Office are situated, leaving it in total disgrace and residents afraid and disgusted.
Years ago iron framework had been erected to solve this problem, but night after night these ‘overnighters’, crawl through the iron framework to find shelter inside the premises of the post office in the lobby where post boxes are. According to residents, the area has become an eyesore with litter, cardboard, a filthy smell, broken glass all over the floors and in front of post boxes. Surrounded by the criminal elements, collecting mail is now a safety concern.

Read more …BRITS POST OFFICE - A filthy, dilapidated disgrace

BRITS POS – BRITS – SAPS recently honoured and rewarded committed North West SAPS employees who did well in various environments in the South African Police Service (SAPS) to support and strive towards giving effect to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Service. SAPS Management in North West led by Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, supported by the MEC for Community Safety and Transport Management, Mr Sello Lehari, showed their commitment , supporting and embracing the achievements and hard work of all the employees within the SAPS at the 11th Annual Excellence Awards.

Read more …Local SAPS members awarded for excellent service

BRITS POS – SONOP - Police in Brits opened an inquest docket for investigation , following the death of two children , aged three and 10. It is alleged that a 32-year-old woman cooked  a meal of pap, chicken feet and wheat for the family on Friday, 17 November at Regorogile in Sonop , west of Brits.
The whole family and their neighbours’ three children ate the meal and everybody went to sleep. 

Read more …DEATH OF TWO CHILDREN Inquest docket opened

BRITS POS – BRITS – By Wellness World in Brits en Hartbeespoort is daar professionele fiksheidsinstrukteurs en welstandskonsultante wat seniors kan bystaan met die perfekte fiksheid- en gesondsheidprogramme.
Oefening is ‘n baie belangrike deel van almal se daaglikse gesondheid en soveel meer vir ouer volwassenes – dit is nooit te laat om fiks en gesond te bly nie.
Suid-Afrikaanse data toon dat veroudering by die meeste mense gepaard gaan met ‘n toenemende afname in fisieke aktiwiteit.

Read more …KOM OEFEN GRATIS: Seniors vind baat by oefening

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