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BONUS - RUSTENBURG - Thato Njuza (22) hails from Boitekong and is proud to be a finalist in the Miss Rustenburg competition of 2024. 
“I grew up in a woman-led household or rather in a woman filled space. I always wanted more in life, but it’s difficult to want more when you live in a community that has  little to offer.”
However, she realised that she needed to work hard to live her life to the fullest and after schooling at Sekete IV High School, she attended women empowerment workshops at Image Nails.

“I am also working on a project at schools that involves online child protection.” On the other side of the spectrum, she has launched modelling workshops for young girls in Seraleng and Boitekong who are interested in modeling.
“I entered Miss Rustenburg 2024, because the platform is about empowering women, and this is what I advocate. My goal is to empower and encourage young women, giving them hope that one day they will live to tell their stories of rising above their circumstances and succeeding in life.” For Thato, success lies in serving and uplifting her community. “If I win the title, I will start with community service in Boitekong, volunteerting for community events, connecting with different campaigns and recruiting young girls who want to start a career in modelling. I also want to create my own campaign and start fundraising in order to donate food parcels to Kutlwanong Disability centre in my community.”
Her message is one of encouragement. “To all models: You can’t eat beauty, it doesn’t feed you. Beauty is not a thing you can acquire or consume, it is something that you have to be. You can’t rely on how you look to sustain you. What actually sustains us, what is fundamentally beautiful, is compassion for yourself and for those around you. That kind of beauty inflames the heart and enchants the soul. This journey has been amazing, and I am grateful to all my sponsors. Be you, do you and embrace your uniqueness!”