NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - National news is buzzing with instances of spiking and related criminal activities and the public is urged to be aware and vigilant of hotspots in this regard.
In an effort to curb these incidents and escalation of violence on victims, numerous WhatsApp groups have been created to warn communities of these incidents.
Various national routes have been targeted and motorists are urged to be vigilant and play it safe. If you hit a rock, spikes, have an accident or emergency, report it immediately with a location and where possible, keep driving until help arrives. Travel safely and arrive on time!
Higiëne skokkend
NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Kolonel Willem Bekeer het bevestig dat Lichtenburg SAPD en die Departement van Gesonheid hande gevat het nadat gemeenskapslede gekla het oor die swak higiëne by sommige winkels in die woongebied.
Nog ‘n vuurwapen gekonfiskeer
NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Kolonel Bekeer is opgewonde nadat een van die senior offisiere van Lichtenburg SAPD en die Gemeenskap in blou nog ‘n vuurwapen uit die hande van kriminele kon verwyder.
Een man is in hegtenis geneem nadat hy op die Lichtenburg-Zeerustpad in besit van ‘n onwettige vuurwapen betrap is. Bekeer sê hierdie wapens word tydens rooftogte gebruik.
Cattle theft worth R400 000 recovered
NOORDWESTER – SANNIESHOF - In a continuous effort to address stock theft, three suspects, aged 30, 31 and 45 were remanded in custody until Friday, 26 April, when they appeared before the Sannieshof Magistrates’ Court, for stock theft.
The suspects’ court appearance emanates from their arrests on Tuesday, 16 April, after being linked with the theft of 40 cattle that were allegedly stolen at a farm near Delareyville. Reports suggested that the cattle were stolen on Monday night, 15 April, after Aobakwe Kenewang,
Fifteen years for murder
NOORDWESTER – ATAMELANG - Itumeleng Mbombo (21) was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment by the Atamelang Regional Court on Tuesday, 23 April, for killing his girlfriend’s eight-year-old son, Gosiame Ferris.
The accused was also declared unfit to possess a firearm in terms of Section 103 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000).