After requesting a donation from Pepsicon, Kgosi Kgampe, the founding manager of Leretlhabetse Victim Empowerment, was surprised to be summoned to fetch a donation from them.
Kgosi was surprised, but also very grateful for the donation. On the photo appears Dr Benjamin Seleke, Bebe Gys and Kgosi Kgampe.
To our incredible paramedics,
Your unwavering commitment and selfless dedication to saving lives and providing urgent care are nothing short of heroic. In moments of crisis, you are the calm in the storm, the light in the darkest hours. Your compassion, resilience, and expertise make a profound difference in countless lives every single day.
Thank you for your tireless efforts, your strength, and your courage.
Cigarettes worth R9.5 million confiscated
NOORDWESTER - ZEERUST - The fight against illicit economic activities gained another success when a suspect was arrested with illicit cigarettes.
A follow-up was made on information received from an attentive farmer on Thursday evening, 27 June, about suspicious activities on his farm in Zeerust, leading to the arrest of a 55-year-old male and the recovery of illicit cigarettes worth R1.5 million. It is alleged that police responded to a call from a farmer who spotted an unknown truck, parked on his farm.
Huisbrand bestry
NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - AfriForum se Lichtenburg-buurtwag het op 30 Junie, in samewerking met verskeie ander rolspelers, ingespring om ‘n brand by ’n huis in Tweedestraat te blus.
Die buurtwag is omstreeks 18:00 van die brand in kennis gestel en het dadelik die besproeiingsmaatskappy Agrico gekontak en te versoek dat hul brandbestryders na die toneel ontbied word. Die Ditsobotla Plaaslike Munisipaliteit se brandweer was reeds op die toneel en AfriForum se buurtwag het verseker dat die brandweerwa tydens die operasie vol water gehou word.
Hondevergiftiger vasgevat
NOORDWESTER - LICHTENBURG - AfriForum se Lichtenburg-buurtwag het die afgelope naweek toegeslaan op ’n verdagte wat moontlik betrek kan word by die onlangse vlaag hondevergiftigings in dié dorp.
Volgens Carel Pauly, operasionele spanleier van AfriForum se Lichtenburg-buurtwag, is ’n verdagte Vrydag, 28 Junie deur die plaaslike Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) in hegtenis geneem danksy ’n op en wakker AfriForum-buurtwaglid, Myburgh Krige.