RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - IWISA No 1 launched its “Fills Good” initiative in Rustenburg on Saturday, 11 May. Partnered with Save A Lot Three-Star Powertrade, the campaign will see the brand donate R1 to the Lighthouse Children’s Home for every qualifying IWISA No 1 product purchase made at the wholesaler between 1 April and 30 November 2024.
Elsa Doubell, co-owner of Lighthouse Children’s Home, commented that fundraising efforts are underway to purchase an exit house for young adults, with a target of R600 000 needed by the end of November.
Naledi wins Humanitarian Award at the Emerge Africa Awards
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The third Annual Emerge Africa Awards, marked another remarkable milestone in celebrating trailblazers and visionaries across the continent.
The event took place on 6 April in Johannesburg and serves as a prestigious platform to celebrate and honour trailblazers who are making significant contributions to their communities and industries across the continent. This annual event recognises individuals who exemplify excellence, innovation, and leadership in various fields. With a total of 11 categories this year, including the esteemed Humanitarian category, nominees competed amongst a pool of outstanding individuals, each demonstrating exceptional dedication and talent.
Local fashion brand Sun Goddess ascends to full potential with Sun City support
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - More than two decades after Vanya and Thando Mangaliso started selling clothing from their car, luxury fashion brand Sun Goddess has risen to meet the whims of guests at Sun City Resort’s The Palace of the Lost City.
Sun Goddess, which translates South African traditional stories and imagery into fashion, first partnered with the Sun City Resort in 2022 when they began designing uniforms, steeped in the North West’s Tswana culture and heritage, for staff at The Palace.
Residentia Sering se gholfdag is op hande
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Residentia Sering se jaarlikse gholfdag, wat op 10 Mei 2024 plaasvind, is 'n langverwagte geleentheid wat daarop toegespits is om aan die bejaarde inwoners 'n veilige en sorgsame omgewing te skep en om te verseker dat hulle die ondersteuning en sorg ontvang wat hulle verdien.
Met die ondersteuning van die gemeenskap streef Residentia Sering daarna om 'n koesterende en verrykende omgewing vir alle individue onder hul sorg te skep.
Die pen is magtiger as die swaard
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - “Ek glo dat dit belangrik is om aan te hou verbeter.” Vir Tanya James, inwoner van Rustenburg, word hiérdie woorde weërspieël in haar daaglikse leefwyse.
Sy is onlangs aangewys as een van slegs twee geoktrooieerde bemarkers in Suid Afrika - ‘n titel wat as “baanbreker”-status beskryf word, na ‘n uiters streng keuringsproses.
Sy het die sertifikaat ontvang van Chartered Marketer (Africa), by ‘n toekenningsgeleentheid waar die African Marketing Confederation (AMC) gasheer was. James bestuur tans haar eie bemakingsmaatskappy en is tydens die seremonie deur die president van AMC, Helen McIntee, in die teenwoordigheid van familie, AMC-ampsdraers en ander lede van die fakulteit (wat James gementor het) geluk gewens.
NG Proteapark groet na byna vier dekades van diens: Dr Deon Strauss tree af
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - NG Kerk Proteapark het verlede Sondag tydens ‘n diepgaande seremonie afskeid geneem van dr Deon Strauss, ‘n pilaar van krag en deernis wat byna 40 jaar van sy lewe daaraan gewy het om sowel die kerk as die breër gemeenskap te dien.
Hy was in diens by Proteapark sedert November 1984 en sal teen einde April 2024 uit diens tree.
“Dr Deon Strauss, saam met sy toegewyde vrou Gerda, en twee kinders Adré en Anél, was ‘n integrale deel van die struktuur van ons gemeenskap, en het deur die jare leiding, ondersteuning en geestelike hulp aan talle individue gebied.
Veterane van vlugkuns
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Vlieëniers van regoor Suid-Afrika het die afgelope Saterdag hul tuis gemaak by Airspan Aerodrome vir ‘n verskeidenheid van aktiwiteite rondom vlugkuns.
Die hoofdoel van die byeekoms was ‘n “Formation Flying”-seminaar wat oor twee dae aangebied is deur die Experimental Aircraft Association (EEA). Daar is saam geleer, gelag en gesels, maar bowenal, gevlieg!
Karl Jensen, afgetrede Suid-Afrikaanse Lugdiens (SAL)-kaptein, was een van die kleurryke karakters wat die geleentheid bygewoon het. Jensen is tans inwoner van Johannesburg, maar ten spyte van sy aftrede uit die nasionale lugdiens, het sy passie vir vlieg en vliegtuie nie getaan nie.
Musikale talent van Rustenburgers reik ver
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Leonardo da Vinci het gesê: “Bestudeer die wetenskap van kuns. Bestudeer die kuns van wetenskap. Besef dat alles verbind is aan alles anders.”
Hiérmee stem doktor Jaco Meyer, oud-inwoner van Rustenburg heelhartig saam. “Die musiek wat ek komponeer is meestel konseptueel en hou verband met kuns. Ek hou baie van moderne en konseptuele kuns en probeer hard om die kuns en musiek op ‘n manier by mekaar uit te kry. Met konseptuele musiek bedoel ek meestal dat ek musiek skryf wat ‘n geïnteresseerde persoon se brein aan die gang sal sit.”
Rustenburg Leeskring
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die volgende byeenkoms van Rustenburg Leeskring vind op 30 April 2024 by Chestnutlaan 3, Proteapark plaas.
Die byeenkoms begin oudergewoonte om 15:00. By hierdie geleentheid sal prof Hans du Plessis oor sy jongste boek,”Inkommers”, gesels.
Paper, learners and printing
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Excited, smiling and in awe.
These were some of the emotions on the faces of grade four and five learners from the Thanya Institute of Learning, who had the privilege of visiting the premises of the North West group of papers on Tuesday, 9 April.
The school consists of three campuses, located in Heystek Street in town, Paardekraal and Sunrise Park. Accompanied by five educators, the youngsters were starry eyed and curious do discover the goings-on at the printing press of the newspaper factory.
Has El Nino changed its mind?
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - One thing about the weather - it never fails to surprise!
Just when everyone in the country thought that April could possibly be the driest April of at least the past five years as a result of the infamous El Nino phenomenon, literally all hell broke loose with untold showers and storm damage in the Western Cape and several other regions around the country since the weekend.
Marise nou deel van ons span
Marise le Roux het vanaf begin April 2024 as joernalis by die redaksionele span van Rustenburg Herald aangesluit.
Marise is ‘n gebore Lichtenburger en was vir geruime tyd by Laeveld-media in Mpumalanga betrokke voordat sy haar hand ook aan die onderwys gewaag het.