RUSTENBURG HERALD - MARIKANA - In a bid to support and uplift the community, Sibanye-Stillwater, along with coalition partners, recently launched two community projects as part of the Marikana Renewal project.
The Marikana Youth Centre and the Bojanala Wellness and Safety Centre were officially opened with the help of strategic partnerships and various stakeholders including, but not limited to, Umsizi, Scania, AECU Mining, Institute for Rural and Community Development (IRDC), Afrika Tikkun, and the Marikana Pastoral Coalition.
People first, politics second
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - “The North West Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NWCoCI) has asked that the newly elected leaders in the North West province give the people of the province a government that puts their needs first,” the Chairman of the NWCoCI, Benedict Modise, recently commented.
“In the election on May 29, the people of South Africa gave clear instructions to the leaders of all political parties that they are tired of empty promises and that they want action now,” he said.
PARKA launches reading club
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The Literary Outreach Incubation Programme, which is hosted by Kwetso Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd, in partnership with the national Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, Books and Publishing, recently launched a new Book/Reading Club for PARKA Development Centre, who provides care and teaching for children from 12 months to six years old.
Kroondal basaar
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die jaarlikse Kroondal basaar het op Saterdag 8 Junie plaasgevind en was soos altyd `n reuse sukses.
Die besoekers het vroeg reeds aangekom en die jeug se pannekoekstalletjie en teetuin ondersteun. Die weer het fantasties saamgespeel, hulle kon dit nie beter bestel het nie. Daar was ongeveer 1 100 mense van heinde en verre. Die kinders het aan al die aktiwiteite deelgeneem en veral die tradisionele poppekas geniet wat deur die graad 7-leerders aangebied is.
125 000 milliliter bloed geskenk!
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Wanneer laas het jy iets noemenswaardig gedoen? Iets wat ‘n positiewe verskil maak? Dalk selfs iets wat iemand anders se lewe sou kon red?
Vir Pieter Smit, oud-Rustenburger, is hiérdie ‘n maklike vraag om te beantwoord. Pieter het net verlede maand sy 250ste keer bloed geskenk - en die einde is nie in sig nie...
Vyftigste bestaansjaarfees, belowe ‘n aand vol gees!
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Onder die vaandel van "50 Jaar van Genade", hou Rustenburg Skool vir Buitengewone Onderwys hierdie week 'n musiekfees om hul vyftigste bestaansjaar te herdenk.
Alhoewel die koue tydig en ontydig byt, is die geleentheid om van ons dorp se musikale talent in lewende lywe te sien, nie een om verby te laat gaan nie.
Oud-matrieks vier vyftig goue jare!
RUSTENBURG HERALD – RUSTENBURG - Die 1974-matrieks van Hoërskool Rustenburg het op 25 Mei behoorlik gekuier, saam gesels en gebraai om hul vyftig jaar van “vryheid” na matriek te vier!
Vlam Pieterse, ‘n hedendaagse Comrades marathon-veteraan het twee skape op die spit gegooi en die tyd het gevlieg soos stories van toeka se dae gedeel is.
All things gin
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - It's never too early or too late to ring in the weekend with a gin cocktail, a gin and tonic or simply a tot of gin! Hedgehog's Nest was brimming with activity, laughter and music this past Saturday when The Schweppes Gin Festival came to our neck of the woods.
Rustenburg Vryburgers speel gasheer vir nasionale saamtrek
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die Rustenburg Vryburgers het onlangs gasheer gespeel vir die nasionele saamtrek van korpse oor die land by Sugarbush Hill Country Cottages.
Vir die plaaslike lede en vroue was dit ‘n reuse uitdaging om die geleentheid suksevol aan te bied. Maande gelede was daar al beplanning gedoen en danksy borge wat betrokke geraak het, kon die Burgerraad met groot styl aangebied word en was daar landswyd groot lof vir die puik geleentheid.
Impala Rustenburg delivers four social and labour plan projects to local mine communities
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Impala Rustenburg proudly announces the successful completion and handover of four third-generation Social and Labour Plan (SLP) projects, further solidifying the company’s commitment to community development and upliftment within Rustenburg’s mine communities.
The completed projects include enhancements and expansions to Matale Secondary School and Moremogolo Primary School, infrastructure upgrades at Meriti Secondary School, and the implementation of a stormwater system via the Seraleng roads and stormwater project, which significantly improves accessibility and mobility within the community.
Ticket winners announced!
The atmosphere was electrifying as the ticket winners of the Schweppes Rustenburg Gin Festival were drawn at the Herald's offices this week. The festival organisers joined hands with our local newspaper for a give-away of six double tickets!
The venue at Hedgehog's Nest is set to be jam-packed this weekend, 25 May from 12:00 until 22:00, with South-Africa's finest gin, amazing food and live music on offer. All visitors will receive a complimentary gin cocktail upon arrival and guest artists / DJs include Biggy, DJ Neps and Naak, who will take the stage.
Dinosaur giants visiting the Platinum City
RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Get ready to embark on an incredible journey back in time at the Dinosaur World Festival Rustenburg!
This extraordinary event will transport families and schools in the North West province to a world that existed 65 million years ago, where dinosaurs roamed the same land we walk on today, drank the same water we drink, and breathed the same air we breathe.