NOORDWESTER- THABA NCHU - Six provinces Retired Police Legends’ members attended the Region Conference this year, held on 8 March at Thaba Nchu in the Free State. Lekwa, Eastern, Free State, Bophirima, Greater Rustenburg and Central Regions were present. The chairperson, Darkie Morape (Free State) welcomed all and appreciated the good work done in die provinces.
Important matters were discussed and it was announced that the Conference for 2026 will take place on 7 March, hosted by the Eastern Region.Â
Chairperson Paul Mogotsi congratulated the Aqua Blue Legends on behalf of the Central Region Legends on a successful conference. He said the hard work, dedication and teamwork ensured a pleasant stay and reunion at Thaba Nchu. Their efforts made a huge impact, and Central Region is grateful to have been part of such a well-organised and memorable experience.