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NOORDWESTER - ZEERUST - The Specialised Commercial Crime Court sitting in Mmabatho has sentenced Gaananngwe Shadrack Kgosiemang (58) to direct imprisonment for eleven counts of theft. 
The court ordered that all counts be taken as one for sentencing. Kgosiemang was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment, with five years suspended for five years, effectively serving five years behind bars. The charges stem from his tenure as Bank Manager at Motswedi Village Bank, near Zeerust. His responsibilities included promoting the bank and its products, as well as providing regular business reports to the Board of Directors. 

Read more …Bank Manager sentenced for theft

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - The Department of Home Affairs has acknowledged persistent issues for permanent residents and naturalised citizens in South Africa regarding getting a smart ID, saying that technical constraints are delaying the process.
Responding to a written parliamentary question from the ACDP’s Wayne Thring, Home Affairs Minister, Leon Schreiber said the department was “acutely aware” of the issue and the distress it is causing some applicants.

Read more …Bad news for people trying to get a smart ID

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Solidariteit se regspan het ʼn regsaanmaning aan die minister van Handel, Nywerheid en Mededinging gestuur waarin die onwettige en diskriminerende aard van die beplande R100 miljard-rasfonds uitgewys word. 
Deur hierdie regsproses verskerp Solidariteit sy teenstand teen dié beplande rasfonds, wat aan al die eienskappe van nóg ʼn verrykingskema vir die politieke elite voldoen, en wat nie deur ʼn administrasie wat tans ʼn begrotingskrisis in die gesig staar, bekostig kan word nie.

Read more …Solidariteit begin met regsaksie teen R100 miljard-rasfonds

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG – Muriël Poole, longtime volunteer, is very grateful for the generous donation that the animal shelter has received. “It keeps us going and gives us the courage to move on in difficult and challenging circumstances.” 
Thank you to every institution, business, resident, school, donor, donation, participants and organisers who contributed to make it easier for the animals.

Read more …Dierewelsyn very grateful

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