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RUSTENBURG - RUSTENBURG - In a heartwarming initiative, Karabo Deogracious Legodi, a distinguished semi-finalist for Miss North West Exclusive, is set to make a significant impact on the lives of young students in Rustenburg. Fueled by a deep passion for community service and a commitment to spreading love, Legodi has announced her decision to spearhead a #BacktoSchool charity drive.
The primary focus of this charitable endeavor is to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has equal access to educational opportunities, setting the stage for a brighter future. Legodi’s dedication to uplifting her community shines through as she prepares to make a difference at a local school in Rustenburg.

Read more …Karabo Legodi takes the lead in #BacktoSchool charity drive for a brighter future

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die Voortrekkers is in 2024, 93 jaar oud. In al hierdie jare het dit groot avontuur gebring aan menige kinders. 
Van jul volwassenes sal onthou van jul eie Voortrekkerdae en vandaar die leuse vir 2024 van: “Eenmaal ‘n Voortrekker, altyd ‘n Voortrekker”.
Kom kyk wat behels hul eie "ABCD" met moderne Afrikanerskap wat ‘n insig is in die geskiedenis en taal asook positiewe burgerskap waar leierskap ontwikkel en nuwe projekte ontwikkel in die omgewing.

Read more …Wat maak Voortrekkers die beste buitemuurs ooit?

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Ywerige kleremakers (voorheen in die volksmond bekend as dressmakers) en dames wat lief is vir naald- en masjienwerk sal verheug wees om te verneem dat Bernina Rustenburg na meer as agt jaar in die bedrywige Safarituinesentrum nou met ‘n kraaknuwe baadjie in die Waterfall Value Mart-sentrum spog. 
Hier by Bernina se nuwe tuiste het eienaars Mariana en Frikkie Beets hulself oortref met die uitleg en inrig van die nuwe Rustenburg-tak wat sommer van ver af die oog vang. 

Read more …Kraaknuwe baadjie vir Bernina Rustenburg

RUSTENBURG HERALD - MAHIKENG - MEC Virginia Tlhapi, responsible for the Department of Economic Development, Environment, Conservation, and Tourism (DEDECT), officially introduced Mr Mojalefa Nale as the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the North West Development Corporation. (NWDC).
The announcement was made during a special Board Meeting of the NWDC Board of Directors and the executive management of the Department and NWDC on 10 January 2024.

Read more …MEC Virginia Tlhapi appoints Mojalefa Nale as CEO of the North West Development Corporation

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Well-known Rustenburg businesswoman and pharmacist - Mariska Kruger is one of Rustenburg's latest aspiring celebrities after she had been selected as a a finalist in the Mrs Africa Classic competition. 
In her own words Mariska describes the experience as follows: "As finalists of the competition we are encouraged to make a difference in our respective communities and to support local charity organisations. The Mrs Africa Pageant supports the African Queen Foundation in Africa."

Read more …Local businesswoman aims at pageant crown

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Rustenburgers wat vanjaar met Jan Tuisbly se karretjie moes ry en nie soos baie ander Suid-Afrikaners êrens langs die kus 'n regte seevakansie geniet het nie, kan gewis oor een ding nie verskil nie - vir 'n groot deel van die Desember-skoolvakansie was dit vrekwarm, indien nie helwarm nie. 
Suid-Afrikaners het trouens reeds van die begin van verlede jaar af gehoor dat 'n warm jaar op pad is en dat dit in 2023 waarskynlik nie soveel sou reën soos die vorige jaar nie - die meeste mense sal nog onthou dat Rustenburg en die grootste dele van die land twee jaar gelede ongekende hoeveelhede reën gekry het.

Read more …Baie warmer dae - veel minder reën oor vakansieseisoen

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Al-Imdaad Foundation in partnership with the North West Department of Health and Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital recently conducted a cataract surgery camp to benefit patients who have been waiting on the backlog in the province. 
The camp forms part of the Al-Imdaad Foundation’s Vision-4-Life eye care programme which operates across the country.

Read more …Vision-4-Life Camp at JST Hospital in Rustenburg

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die jaarlikse Liggiefees aangebied by Laerskool Silwerrand vanaf 5 - 9 Desember was weer vanjaar 'n groot sukses en die publiek van Rustenburg het die fees van liggiefees en die atmosfeer van Kersfees ervaar. 
Rustenburgers het die duisende liggies as gesinne bewonder en van 'n plaastema tot 'n lekkergoedland, die sneeumanne en die koningin van harte geniet en heerlik in diereland ontspan.

Read more …Liggie-skouspel by Silwerrand

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The festive holiday period will have an impact on the refuse/garbage/waste collection services provided by the Rustenburg Local Municipality. 
The waste collection schedule for this period has been adjusted as follows: 
As a result, Monday areas scheduled for collection on December 25, 2023 and January 1, 2024, will instead be collected on Saturday, December 23, 2023 and December 30, 2023 respectively, according to the Rustenburg Municipality.

Read more …Refuse and waste collection services adjusted for festive season

The long-awaited moment of truth for many an amateur artist -
the announcement of the two overall winners in this year’s Rustenburg Herald’s Blank Space Art competition sponsored by Pick n Pay Greystone Crossing and Beyers Naudé followed by the prize-giving which saw two worthy winners being rewarded with two extremely valuable Pick n Pay shopping vouchers to the value of R10 000 each.

Read more …Art winners walk off with thousands of rand

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die Ouma en Oupa Kersprojek is al ses jaar aan die gang as ‘n NPC-organisasie wat in Pretoria begin het en nou al landswyd aan die gang is. Danksy Rustenburg se mense met hulle oop hande en harte kon hulle die jaar vir die eerste keer ook twee van die tehuise in Rustenburg bederf.
Die projek het begin as ‘n eenvoudige idee om oumas en oupas gedurende die Kerstyd met ‘n spesiale geskenkie te bederf.

Read more …Ouma en Oupa Kersprojek in Rustenburg maak harte bly