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NOORDWESTER – BIESIESVLEI - To eliminate violence particularly in vulnerable groups, the South African Police Service in partnership with the Community Police Forum (CPF), raised awareness on Thursday, 28 November at Extension 3 in Itekeng. 
The Community in Blue Patrollers, Sector 2 Sub-Forum, Department of Health, Department of Social Development, Love Life, New Beginnings Support Group, Tlotlang Bagodi Service Club, Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) and the Ward 20 Councillor Honourable Mazwi Moruri formed part of this project.

Read more …Biesiesvlei 16 Days of Activism

NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - Middelmaanddata van die Sentrale Energiefonds (CEF) dui op ‘n wisselvallige pad vir petrol- en dieselpryse op pad na Desember. 
Die data van die CEF toon dat petrolpryse ‘n klein verlaging van tussen 5 en 16 sent per liter sal hê, terwyl dieselpryse ‘n styging van ongeveer 38 sent per liter sal hê. 
Indien die huidige marktoestande tot die einde van die maand voortduur, sal dit tot ‘n gemengde resultaat vir brandstof lei.

Read more …Die moontlike, verwagte brandstofpryse vir Desember

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