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RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The South African electorate of whom many hope to make a difference in South African politics during the National Election of next year, will have to remember that voting is only the second step. 
The first step is to make sure that you, and all new voters who have turned 18 during the course of the past few months are registered to vote in your ward. 

Read more …Voter registration this weekend - register to vote to rescue South Africa

An inspection team of the Rustenburg Local Municipality, in conjunction with law enforcement raided a shop in Zinniaville and confiscated a number of food products which, according to information were all beyond their expiry date. It is alleged that this wholesaler’s customers are mostly tuck shops reselling these goods.

Read more …Expired food confiscated

RUSTENBURG HERAL - RUSTENBURG - Residents of Wards 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 42 have been invited to a “Ward meeting” in terms of Rustenburg Executive Mayor’s “Mayoral Outreach” programme on Thursday, 2 November from 18:00 to 20:00.
The venue is the Old Town Hall in Beyers Naude Avenue - right next to the offices of the Rustenburg Municipality. 
The following issues will be addressed: 

Read more …Have your say at Mayoral Outreach meeting

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Residents of Zinniaville and in particular the Zinniaville Ratepayers Association have been in the news lately following a peaceful demonstration at Missionary Mpheni House on 4 October in protest against the Zinniaville community's water woes of the past year or two. Though the demonstration of 4 October served as an opportunity to present a memorandum of grievances to the Rustenburg Municipality's Executive Mayor, the ZRPA were later only received by Mr Thabang Rampou - Member of the Mayoral Committee on Infrastructure who responded to say that the RLM will provide details of how the water issue could be addressed amicably within 14 days. 

Read more …RLM finally takes action in Zinniaville

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Ward 17 residents in "uptown" Rustenburg - especially Frederick and Cuckoo Avenues as well as certain areas in Waterval East (Ward 42) are frustrated beyond imagination by die Rustenburg Municipality's apparent inability to apprehend the culprits and layabouts who have been vandalising the notorious Adelaide substation in Waterval East/Azalea Park/Mountain View area for up to six or seven times during the past 30 days. 

Read more …Ward 17 residents up in arms - vandalism at Adelaide substation causes outrage

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - The SAPS Safer Festive Season Operational Plan was rolled out recently in all provinces. 
The plan will see heightened focus on seven areas which include GBVF, combatting of serious and violent crime such as aggravated robberies, border security, strengthening by-laws, road safety, as well as illegal mining. “We are not going to co-govern with criminals.

Read more …SAPS want people to rate them

RUSTENBURG HERALD - MOGWASE - The Mogwase Regional Court sentenced Thabo William Modibedi (39) to life imprisonment for raping his ex-lover. His conviction emanates from an incident that occurred in the early hours of 21 October 2018, wherein the complainant was approached by the accused at a tavern and asked her to go home with him. She refused, and Modibedi got aggressive in front of other patrons and started assaulting her. The complainant tried to escape but he caught up with her and continued to assault her, as he dragged her to his home.

Read more …Man sentenced for raping ex-lover

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - A peaceful demonstration by some 150 members of the Zinniaville Ratepayers Association to hand over a memorandum of grievances to Rustenburg’s Executive Mayor in protest against a hopeless water situation in Zinniaville took a turn for the worse when over eager and heavily armed security promptly pushed, shoved and manhandled protesting people from the municipality’s main gates area and pepper sprayed an innocent and non-aggressive member of the Association. 

Read more …Free, unlimited water to corporate business, a few drops to Zinniaville, Ratepayers claim

RUSTENBURG HERALD - THLABANE – During a ceremony held at the Pentecostal Holiness church in Thlabane, 48 pastors gathered to celebrate a significant milestone in their mission to bring positive change within their communities. Sibanye-Stillwater initiated the Umsizi GBV and R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y programme in partnership with the Greater Rustenburg Pastors Forum (an Interdenominational organisation). 
They work with around 70 faith-based leaders.

Read more …Pastors armed to fight GBV

RUSTENBURG HERALD - RUSTENBURG - Die ou Rustenburg Begraafplaas is deur die loop van Augustus en September vanjaar deur die AfriForumtak in Rustenburg skoongemaak en versorg. 
Vyf stortbakke vol tuinafval is verwyder, die tak het ook onkruiddoder gespuit om te verhoed dat onkruid oor die grafte groei.
“’n Begraafplaas moet in stand gehou word sodat mense met geruste harte die grafte van hul geliefdes kan besoek.

Read more …Rustenburgtak sit volhoubaarheidsprojek by begraafplaas voort