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NOORDWESTER – LICHTENBURG - The Lichtenburg South African Police Service represented by social crime prevention office and Youth Desk conducted a GBV and crime awareness campaign outside Lichtenburg Mall. This campaign focused on prevention of crimes against vulnerable groups and Gender Based Violence and Femicide.

In addition, the awareness was also educating community about substance abuse and crime against women and children and combating aggravated robberies: carjacking, robberies at residential premises and business robberies.
The community was alerted about always ensuring all the doors and windows of vehicles and properties are locked at all times, sharing of stokvel savings, carrying cash safely to avoid being robbed since the festive season is around the corner; to never leave children inside vehicles unattended; not to request assistance from strangers; dangers of hitchhiking and buying goods through backdoors. 
Lichtenburg SAPS is committed to creating safe and secure environment for all citizens. This campaign is conducted to give assurance that we will do our level best ensuring that all criminals are brought before the court of law but we expect the public to play their own part. 
Report and photos by Boiketlo Gause CPO Intern