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Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The DA is concerned about the reported deteriorating quality of water in the North West.
This comes after only one water system in the province managed to meet the requirements of the blue drop status. “Only the Potchefstroom water system in JB Marks qualifies for Blue Drop status and is thought to be in excellent condition. The water in Rustenburg and Matlosana do not qualify for blue drop status, but is acceptable and not critical,” said Carin Brits, DA chief of staff.

Read more …Water in Matlosana ‘acceptable and not critical’

Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp – Farouk Danger has been honoured with the MSA 2023 Pioneer Award.
He received this recognition for his contributions and achievements in the field of racing.
Throughout his career, he faced challenges and obstacles, but he never let them hinder his progress.
Despite facing sponsorship restrictions, he still managed to showcase his talents and prove himself a formidable competitor.

Read more …Great honour for Farouk

Klerksdorp Rekord, Klerksdorp - Die inwoners in die middestad, die suidelike en westelike woonbuurte, Alabama en Hartbeesfontein se geduld is besig om op te droog. Dié gebiede het vir weke lank nie water nie en as daar water is, is dit net vir ‘n kort rukkie en dan is die krane weer leeg.

Klerksdorp het vir bykans vier weke nie vullisverwydering nie, omdat die “diensverskaffer glo nie betaal is nie” en dan gaan Noordwes gebuk onder ‘n hittegolf en beurtkrag. Is daar ‘n lig aan die einde van die tonnel? 

Read more …Geduld droog op

Die legendariese Francois van Coke en Die Gevaar en Spoegwolf het op Vrydag 1 Desember by Rio Casino opgetree. Francois se ondersteuners het hom ingewag met sy T-hemde aan en die sowat 700 mense wat die vertoning bygewoon het, het saamgesing. Die organiseerder, Angelique Kleynhans, het groot planne vir 2024. Hou die koerant dop. Foto: Mpix Photography.



Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) needs blood donations as blood stock levels decrease, posing a severe risk to patients in need.

“Since the implementation of the new digital donor questionnaire, aimed at streamlining the donor registration process, which took place on November 7, SANBS has seen a steady decline in blood donations, with blood stocks currently sitting at only 1,8 days’ supply, pushing the available blood to critically low levels across the country. 

Read more …Blood stocks are critically low

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