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Weerlig kan die lug inkleur soos ‘n spinnerak. Plaaslike fotograaf Riaan Slabbert het die “web” Vrydagaand 17 November afgeneem. Die storm het plaasgevind net voor die konsert by Flamwood Walk plaasgevind het. Noordwes is vasgevang in ‘n hittegolf tot die naweek met temperature in Klerksdorp wat 37 °C kan bereik. Geen reën word die week voorspel nie, maar koeler weer met reën word voorspel vir volgende naweek. Die Weerdiens waarsku mense om genoeg water te drink en ook genoeg water vir diere te gee. Dra koel klere en vermy direkte sonlig.


Klerksdorp Record, Klerksdorp - In another daring robbery in Klerksdorp, a Doringkruin home was ransacked in the dead of night, and two safes containing a substantial amount of cash were removed and taken by the robbers.

The modus operandi of what happened in Apiesdoring Street in the early hours of Friday morning November 17 is earily similar to an armed robbery earlier that week in Wilkoppies. 

Read more …Robbers flee with safes full of cash

Klerksdorp Record, Stilfontein - The Stilfontein man suspected of raping his dogs was arrested last week.

The man who cannot be identified until he has pleaded on the charges against him, appeared in the Stilfontein Magistrate’s Court on Monday November 20. The case was postponed until next week for a formal bail application. Residents and supporters of the Matlosana Animal Shelter pitched at court on Monday morning to protest against him receiving bail.

The shelter’s Suzette Kotze who removed the animals from his care told Klerksdorp Record that she is emotionally drained. “If this is the last thing I do, it is that this man goes to jail for what he did to those poor animals. They suffered horribly.’’ Initially, the accused fled his home when the animal inspectors and the police arrived at his home. He was lured to the animal shelter on Thursday November 16 under the pretence to “strike a deal’’ when he was arrested by the police. 


Read more …Bestiality accused behind bars

Klerksdorp Record, Wolmaransstad - The first 100% renewable energy charging station in what will become South Africa’s first national network of 120 solar-powered charging facilities spaced out at 150km intervals broke ground in Wolmaransstad this week.

This station is situated between Klerksdorp and Wolmaransstad. This is a significant milestone in South Africa’s transition to electric vehicles (EVs). Unlike other charging stations that connect to Eskom’s grid (and thus use coal as their primary energy source), Zero Carbon Charge’s charging stations are powered by South Africa’s abundant and renewable supply of sunshine. 

Read more …First 0% carbon charging site in SA

Klerksdorp Rekord, Stilfontein - Die oordbestuurder van Klub Louico is Sondagmiddag dood in ‘n fratsongeluk by sy huis op die oord.

Rudi Fourie (32) was besig om sonpanele op sy huis se dak te installeer toe hy aan ‘n lewendige kragkabel raak. 

Volgens Johan Swanepoel, ‘n familielid, het die man wat saam met hom gewerk het op die grond gestaan terwyl Rudi op die dak besig was. “Hy het agtergekom daar is fout terwyl Rudi kabels probeer koppel het. Ons dink hy het nie geweet die elektrisiteit is nie afgeskakel nie.’’


Read more …Pa sterf na elektriese skok op huis se dak

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